Friday, August 20, 2021

Breaking News Alert: You May Again Send Money to WEJB/NSU!

Last year, I lost my ability to fundraise, when PayPal closed my account. I’d expected the firm to do that years earlier.

Until PayPal imposed a political litmus test, it had been the easiest processing company imaginable to deal with.

In late August, my editor-publisher at the Hungarian Web site, N.A.E.B.C, wrote to inform me that when he’d sent me my writing fee via PayPal, it had bounced back.

(I’m not naming him because a hate campaign by a fake journalist employed by Reuters, a Jack Stubbs, succeeded in getting the site shut down, without Stubbs having found out anything about it. Thus, I don’t want to provide Stubbs with any information at this time, so that he can then claim to have ferreted it out himself.)

So, I did some research and settled on a place called Payoneer. I submitted a second column, which N.A.E.B.C also ran.

My new ed-pub told me he’d sent two fees in to Payoneer, but I never got either.

Somebody ripped me off. Was it the N.A.E.B.C guy, or Payoneer?

My suspicion falls on Payoneer, because although it sent me numerous form letters (signed and unsigned) in response to my dunning letters, it never gave me a straight answer, or any of my money.

I signed up for a bank processing service called “Zelle,” but couldn’t make head or tail of the user instructions. I was tempted to call the bank for help, but was afraid of encountering a freelancing clerk-commissar who would shut me down. (It had happened back in 2000 at Amazon.)

Well, since then, Zelle at Chase has clarified its instructions such that even I can understand them.


Get started by enrolling your email or U.S. mobile number through your mobile banking app or with the Zelle® app.


Enter the preferred email address or U.S. mobile number of the recipient. You can send money to almost anyone1 you know and trust with a bank account in the U.S.

[ It will say, “Registered as Louis.” Louis is my first name; it’s the family curse, among manchildren. ‘Louis begat Louis begat Louis...’]


Enter the amount to send. Your recipient gets a notification explaining how to complete the payment, simply and quickly.

We did a dry run, and it worked fine. I gave my chief of research $25 cash, and he then donated it via Zelle.

Let me know, if you have any problems.


Nicholas Stix


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Jeopardy is not out of the woods yet! Mike Richards is stepping down as the new host of Jeopardy due to past "sexist & racist" comments he made on his podcast the Randumb show. Also, he was involved in multiple discrimination lawsuits when he was working on the Price is Right, though it's unclear if what role he played in those lawsuits and if he ever sexually harassed anyone:

These are the "sexist" and "racist" comments he made. Sounds like pretty mild stuff and the context may well have been satire, but it makes no difference to the cancel culture Nazis:

Now that Richards is out Levar Burton is being mentioned prominently as the "fan favorite" and "logical second choice" so Jeopardy management will be under even more pressure to hire an affirmative action host, likely Burton. Either that or elevate Bialiak to permanent full time host, which seems like the easiest move to avoid any controversy. The 3rd one, and the one I hope they do, is go to Jennings and offer him a kings ransom to take over, there would still be some griping about not giving the job to a negro but it would be muted because of Jennings status as the "greatest ever". He's stated before that he doesn't want the job because he doesn't feel like he could fill Alex's shoes, or something like that, but I don't know how serious that comment was. I'd like to continue to watch Jeopardy but if they shoehorn a negro in there, it's going to be difficult to stomach, so right now I'd take just about any host that is White.

Anonymous said...

Stix for host---HE hasn't said anything controversial(in the last five minutes,lol).


Anonymous said...

So in all the years Burton has been around,he NEEEEEVER said a bad thing about Whitey.

He was never overheard calling his Star Trek cast,"a bunch of White fools."

He was never taped trashing the "Roots" White cast members by saying,"they're sh*t--except they is White sh*t."

He was never caught saying,"I'm ready to kill some White people."

No one remembers any racist diatribes he made over the years--a perfect blackie.

Uh huh.