Monday, May 01, 2023

texarkana: baseball player hit with “stray” bullet fired by dusky thugs

By “W”
mon, may 1, 2023 5:49 p.m.

A few seasons ago I recall a White female fan at Busch stadium was hit by a “stray” bullet fired from outside. Youths were fighting in the area.

oh, those damn “stray” bullets flying around. When I played baseball in high school and college, we didn’t encounter any “stray” bullets. Did it matter that negroes were not near us? I wonder....

Bullets flying around the stadiums not uncommon of baseball in the Dominican Republic, according to my reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They need to invent magnetic devices that will capture the flying bullets--and hand them out at the stadium on "Bullet magnetic device Day".