Monday, May 01, 2023

More bad news about the border patrol’s failures and the newest mexican mass murderer

[“illegals doing the job that the border patrol does not do: msnbc doesn't like the texas gov noting that 5 shot were illegals.”]

By Jerry PDX
monday, may 1, 2023 at 5:12 p.m. edt

Followup to a previous comment I sent about the Mex mass murderer, apparently that article was wrong saying that he was deported 3 times, looks like he was deported 4 times:

Article says it’s still a developing story. How many more deportations (and returns) will they find?

N.S.: Note to readers: Once an illegal alien has been deported, it is a felony for him to be found again on American soil.


Anonymous said...

For readers that may have missed it, here is the original posting this one referred to:

jerry pdx
Mex mass killer had been sent back through the revolving door, er...I mean the "border" 3 times in the past:

from the article:

San Jacinto County Sheriff Greg Capers told Breitbart Texas on Sunday that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers deported 38-year-old Francisco Oropeza, a Mexican national now wanted for five alleged murders, in three separate incidents. Sheriff Capers and other sources advised that the last time ICE officers removed Oropeza was in 2016.

“Our number one priority,” the sheriff began, “has been to locate this suspect and put him behind bars where he belongs.”

No, he doesn't belong in a US prison getting room, board and medical for the rest of his life, paid for by White people, he belongs at the end of a 10 dollar rope.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
US Chamber of Commerce (or is it Chamber of Commies?) along with "special interest groups" demand even more immigration to the US. Biden's open door policy isn't enough, they want even more:

From the article:

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and hundreds of special interest groups have launched a lobbying campaign to demand more legal immigration to the United States so business has a constant flow of cheaper foreign workers to hire for American jobs.

On Monday, the Chamber and more than 430 special interest groups unveiled the Legal Immigration and Border Enforcement Reform This Year (LIBERTY) campaign to formally ask Congress and President Joe Biden’s administration to increase legal immigration levels for the benefit of the business lobby.

“Companies are experiencing significant workforce shortages despite their sizable investments in expanding U.S. talent pipelines,” the Chamber and other groups wrote in a letter to Congress. “As a result, companies of all sizes and across a host of industries are wrestling with the myriad problems caused by their inability to adequately tap into global talent to meet their workforce needs.”

Labor shortage? What happens when the money supply finally tightens up and we go into recession? What happens when millions of jobs are taken over by AI and automation? What will all those imports do then?

Anonymous said...

Correct. First illegal crossing an infraction. Still a violation of the law. After that further illegal crossings a felony. The deceased all illegals too? I wonder what the beef was with the parties involved?

Anonymous said...

The bad guy was firing a rifle outside his home during hours of darkness and the now deceased famblee members complained. A mass mu7rder including that of a small child. Death penalty case.