Monday, May 01, 2023

“Conservative, White, lawmaking dude ‘identifies’ as black lesbian, left erupts; ‘I’m just glad that ANYONE can be ANYTHING or ANYONE they want’”

By N.S.


Anonymous said...

Must be a joke.


Anonymous said...

It WAS a joke--and it pissed off the humorless woke idiots as expected:

(WWND)Leftists were enraged at Webb's self-"outing." Six days after his "coming out," Ryan's chief nemesis, a group called "Indiana Progressives," tweeted out: "Delaware County, Indiana, county council member Ryann Webb mocks the LGBTQ community on Facebook. What a piece of [sh*t]! [F**k] you, Ryan Webb!"

GRA:Always classy--like Deniro or Cher--drop the "f" bomb.


Anonymous said...

Me too. And I am glad the man uttered the words. What? A joke? No, for real. Why not?