Tuesday, August 02, 2022

White Man Owns the Liquor Store Where Knee Grow Robber was Shot with a Shotgun

By R.C.
Tue, Aug 2, 2022 4:31 p.m.

White Man Owns the Liquor Store Where Knee Grow Robber was Shot with a Shotgun


Anonymous said...

As I posted elsewhere,the good news is that the 80 year old " blasted the jogger's arm off,"the bad news,the owner suffered a heart attack --and according to cbs evening news--"is recovering."

Whatever that means.


Anonymous said...


Starring Barry Soetero as Mr.Steeve Dugglas.
With Justin,Jamar and Devon--the three thugs who attempted to rob the California store--which happened to be owned by an 80 year old White guy--who blasted a shotgun at the armed thug when he walked in.

And Joe Biden as Uncle Charley.

(front door opens)
Mr.Dugglas:Uncle Charley,I'm home.

Charley:(pulling a shotgun)Identify yourself,boy!

Mr.Dugglas:Not AGAIN-I'm Steeve Dugglas--I own this home
--and I hired you to work here and help raise my boys.

Charley:Uh,uh--try again--I wouldn't work for no spade.

Dugglas:You did for eight years,Charley--on a previous job I had.

Charley:I don't remember that--and I don't believe it either.There are two things I know are true:blacks don't work and all they ever do is lie.

Dugglas:We do not.

Charley:You just told another one.

Dugglass:Where's the boys?

(phone rings)

Charley:Just a cotton pickin' minute.

(Charley answers)
Charley:Hello...whattaya want?Yeah...yeah...okay,I'll tell him.

Dugglas:Who was it,Charley?

Charley:The police--they said your boys were arrested for armed robbery and one even got shot by an 80 year old White man--(laughs)good for him!Hey,I didn't even know you HAD kids.

Dugglas:You see them here everyday,Uncle Charley.You know what I think?I think you're coming down with dementia.

Charley:No,I'm not(pulls shotgun up again) HEY--identify yourself,boy!

Dugglas:Steeven Dugglas--and I was just leaving--I'm going to go pick up my kids from jail and we'll all be back later for dinner.You DO remember how to cook ribs and prepare watermelon--don't you?

Charley:No I DON'T--that's food for joggers.ACHOOO--and I think I'm coming down with Covid again.

Dugglas:In that case,I better bring our friend,Kamala Harris over to replace you for the night--and maybe longer.See ya later,Uncle Charley.
(door shuts)

(scene shifts to unemployment office,four weeks later).

Charley:And THAT'S how I lost my job.

Unemployment office clerk(waking up):Okay,Mr.Biden,your checks should start getting direct deposited into your bank account in a week--next!

Alvin Bragg:Hey,is this where you go to get comp?
Unemployment office clerk:Yes it is--have a seat.
(We can only hope-right?)

The end


Anonymous said...

"My arm was done shots off."

A good shoot by the good guy. Eighty year old whitey man strikes back. For all the seniors that have been hit, struck, kicked in the head by the colored for many years now.