Monday, August 08, 2022

President Trump's house was raided by the fbi, and yet... (graphic)

Re-posted by N.S.


Anonymous said...

It isn't who you know--it's who you do blow with.


Anonymous said...

Would they arrest Trump?You bet.

A quote from the story said,"Crowds were gathering to protest the raid."

A while back I mentioned,something big would have to happen to cause a change in the direction the country was going in.I brought up Donald Trump as a possibility to be the conduit of such an impactful change--either by an attack on him physically or legally.

Would MAGA supporters sit idly by while "The Donald" did prison time--like Chauvin?

I hope--and think--not.


Anonymous said...

Kerik said he would not be surprised as to what the next step might be if they cannot stop Trump for 2024.