Wednesday, August 10, 2022

the black "out": authorities play the crazy card, on behalf of negro nurse who slaughtered 7 in auto wreck; she's "mentally ill"

By "W"
Wed, Aug 10, 2022 9:58 a.m.

negro nurse who killed 6 in auto wreck "mentally ill"

So, they are giving her an "out":


Anonymous said...

All spades are crazy. She is just more crazy than most.

Anonymous said...

Why wasn't she in an institution then? This didn't just appear out of nowhere.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
What exactly does the IRS need 87,000 new employees for? No, that is not a misprint...87,000 MORE employees:

I keep telling people that voting Democrat will result in even more taxation but they always repeat the Democrat party line it's only the rich they want to tax.

From the article:

However, the White House Council of Economic Advisers’ Jared Bernstein insists those resources will not be used to audit households earning under $400,000 and will target those engaging in tax evasion, not tax avoidance.

If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you. Breitbart readers comments said plenty, I'm posting some of them here:

dtom2 Raptormann • 4 hours ago • edited
Senator Sinema had that new Billionaire tax rate removed from the bill in order for her to vote for it. I'm literally STUNNED by how many people aren't aware of that. Not only people on comment boards, but some of the pundits on FOX News too. So the republicans in congress have been right all along, the middle and the lower income working class are going to bet the ones who are going to take it in the shorts! Bend over, and lube up, to make it less painful......Source.......

TH30PH1LUS P Smith • 38 minutes ago
They'll do it by electronically monitoring your accounts.

Democrats promised us Utopia - it will only cost you ALL your guns, ALL your combustion engines, and ALL the accumulated wealth of you and the next 5 or 6 generations!

ThoughtfulVoter Raptormann • 3 hours ago •
Absolutely BS! Earlier when this was first being discussed, it was mentioned that the higher income folks already get audited anyway but there is much 'unrealized' revenue in the middle class that could be found. The new agents were specifically intended for the crowd that does not get audited.

All the Trump raid news is distracting the public, who would make an outcry over the militarization of the IRS! And be picketing the WH for BIden not to sign it into law.

Bruce Rodd • 4 hours ago
The IRS loves going after the middle class. They usually settle because they can't afford an attorney. The rich can afford it and will fight it. Bernstein is either a complete moron or a liar. I vote for both.

KajunTex • 4 hours ago
If they were adding 8,000 new IRS Regulators it would be alarming.... but 87,000? The question is FOR WHAT? They already have 78,000 IRS Regulators which be 165,000 + they employ 10K - 15K temporary employees.
Huge mega corporations like DOW Chemical only employ 54K people.... Coca Cola only has 79,000 employees. This will make the IRS the largest employer in the US by over two times. Companies like Coke or Dow have employees that produce something... the IRS only consumes. Current IRS operating budget is nearly $14 Billion/year and this legislation is going to triple that.
5% or about 900K people in the US make more than $500K/year there will be 165,000 regulators Regulating 900K people = 5.45 people for every one Regulator.
So it is total BS that they are not coming after the middle class earning less than $400K

Anonymous said...

"Why wasn't she in an institution then? This didn't just appear out of nowhere."

Good question. She was fired from something like six job in four months. Someone must have seen or heard something. But no one dared do a thing?