Wednesday, August 10, 2022

a weaponized fbi raids mar-a-lago, in search of a crime

By N.S.


Anonymous said...

The only question is,when is Trump taking the perp walk from his house?THAT'S the scene Lesta Holt and the commies are getting wood and fantasizing about.

Trump in cuffs.Coming soon to an msm station near you.


Anonymous said...

Find me the man and I'll find you the crime. Search, search, search. Yet they seem to have little or nothing illegal. The President is the ultimate declassification authority. This raid was much more than just looking for classified documents. Done to intimidate and scare. Scare Don and his whole famblee.

Anonymous said...

The FBI is a criminal organization and the enemy of the American people. It should be disbanded and the ringleaders prosecuted and jailed.

Anonymous said...

"The only question is, when is Trump taking the perp walk from his house? THAT'S the scene Lesta Holt and the commies are getting wood and fantasizing about."

AND be tried by a jury of blacks WASH DC. Honestly I believe NO whitey person before a jury of blacks could EVER be tried fairly. Especially WASH DC.