Friday, August 12, 2022

nyc primate crime watch: have you seen anyone that looks like him?...

By "W"
Thu, Aug 11, 2022 10:35 p.m.

nyc primate crime watch: have you seen anyone that looks like him?...

If so, call the cops! I'm pretty sure I've seen him slinging tacos with extra cheese at camden yards in baltimore...or was he pouring $10 a plastic cup's worth of beer at nats park in washington, d.c.?

Hmmm...Someone has undoubtedly seen this congoid critter on the eastern seaboard:


Anonymous said...

I see the nig two or three times a week in Grand Rapids.Sometimes a little taller,a little shorter,darker,lighter--but it's the guy.


Anonymous said...

For people who say they are so poor the colored are so knowing when it comes to high fashion. He just doesn't go to just Target for instance. They go for the best. The colored have always been known as fashionistas.