Monday, August 08, 2022

icu nurse, 37, cries in court after being charged with six counts of MURDER (but they missed one murder): she faces 90-year prison sentence after 100 mph la crash killed pregnant mother, her unborn baby, her one-year-old son and FOUR others

By R.C.
Mon, Aug 8, 2022 10:33 p.m.

icu nurse, 37, cries in court after being charged with six counts of MURDER: She faces 90-year prison sentence after 100 m.p.h. la crash killed pregnant mother, her unborn baby, her one-year-old son and FOUR others

(N.S.: Why only 90 years as the max? and that would mean how many years in practice--45? 30?)

Sideshow Bob?


Anonymous said...

She was "fighting" with her boyfriend on the telephone at the time of the "accident". That rate of speed as I suspected, extreme. The woman needs to be locked away forever. I know she will not be but it should be so.

Anonymous said...

Only crying for herself for all the trouble she is in. Not for those that died.