one conclusion is inescapable: the clot is almost entirely lacking key marker elements that would be present in human blood (such as iron and potassium), yet shows significantly higher concentrations of elements that are used in electronics and circuitry
By R.C.
Wed, Aug 17, 2022 8:18 p.m.
one conclusion is inescapable: the clot is almost entirely lacking key marker elements that would be present in human blood (such as iron and potassium) yet shows significantly higher concentrations of elements that are used in electronics and circuitry.

About the author: Mike Adams (aka the "Health Ranger") is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on called "Food Forensics"), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science ...
Via great game india, Dr. Charles Lieber is a nano-scientist at harvard university. he was recently charged by the American authorities with secretly being a chinese agent. however, there is a mystery surrounding the nature of his work.
Lieber had created nano-sized transistors. cyborg - wikipedia
a cyborg (/ ˈ s aɪ b ɔːr ɡ /), a contraction of "cybernetic organism," is a being with both organic and biomechatronic body parts. The term was coined in 1960 by Manfred Clynes and Nathan S. Kline.. The term cyborg is not the same thing as bionic, biorobot or android; it applies to an organism that has restored function or enhanced abilities due to the integration of some artificial ...
Meaning: Can 5G be used to "program" humans via a state-mandated vaccine?
It is not that I don't believe it is more that I don't want to believe it.
That looks like an eerie creature--but it's actually a "bloodless clot"--is how they describe it.A protein/sodium clot.
As Johnny Carson would have said,"That is some weird, wild stuff."
Ed McMahon:You know,oh great one,if we were still among the living,our wives would have,no doubt, talked us into getting the vaxx...
Johnny:...and the next day,we would have dropped dead so fast,everyone would have thought,we had worse tickers than Dick Cheney.
Ed:That is correct,sir.
Johnny:Hey,let's do a couple Carnacs.
Ed:Yessir.We now,welcome back,our mysterious visitor from the far East.All seeing,all knowing and the only person,we know of,who understands what Joe Biden is saying--when he talks to the press--Carnac the Magnificent!
Carnac:Thank you--sim Sala bim.
Ed:I hold in my hand these envelopes,which a child of four can plainly see--and YOU--in your somewhat mysterious way,will divine the answer to the questions inside these envelopes--without seeing the question.
Carnac:Sounds impossible,but I will try.To attempt this task,however,I must have complete quiet.
Ed:You usually do,oh great one.
(Johnny stares at Ed)
Ed:Here is the first envelope.
Carnac:I will divine the answer to the question.
Carnac:"Rich Man,Poor Man"
Ed:"Rich Man,Poor man"
(Carnac opens envelope)
Carnac:Describe what a rich man turns into after the Democrat's Inflation Reduction Plan takes effect.
(audience laughs)
Johnny:87,000 new IRS employees.
Ed:That's so hideous,I can't even repeat it.
Carnac:Do it anyways.
Ed: 87,000 new IRS employees.
(Carnac opens envelope)
Carnac:Name the number of IRS agents who need to start auditing Joe and Hunter Biden's taxes.
(audience applauds)
Ed:We come to our final envelope(crowd cheers)
Carnac:May a horde of locusts make a beeline for your bursa sac.
Carnac: Thanksgiving stuffing,"Silence of the Lambs" and Alec Baldwin
(opens envelope)
Name a filler,a thriller and a killer.
(end of skit.)
jerry pdx
The husband of a woman at my place of employment just dropped dead of a heart attack. He was a few years young than me which puts him in his late 50's. He seemed like a fit and healthy guy to me when I last saw him. His wife was a big vaxx booster so I'm sure he was vaxxed to the max. Is there a connection? I don't know but it sure seems suspicious.
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