Friday, August 12, 2022

Anne Heche "not expected to survive" her two car crashes

By N.S.

"'It has long been her choice to donate her organs,' her spokesperson shared, adding that the actress 'is being kept on life support to determine…"


Anonymous said...

Who would WANT to receive her drug destroyed organs--george floyd?That's the only person I can think of,whose body was in worse shape that Heche's--who might have gotten an upgrade from her body parts.

Or maybe Keith Richards.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Blacks and gang rape, it's almost synonymous:

I have to wonder, will Soros buy the rapists plane tickets to the US? After all, they must have experienced some deep trauma in order to have committed such a heinous act.

I had some other thoughts on this but the article is on Breitbart and as usual people in the comments field beat me to it. Here's a few:

seewithyourowneyes • 6 hours ago • edited
--- Illegal aliens gang-rape black South Africans and black South Africans are allowed to get angry about it. Illegal aliens gang-rape Swedes and Brits and Germans, and all those groups are told not to complain. Sometimes even put in prison for complaining!

--- Illegal alien rapists in South Africa pretend that they themselves are only children, and South African officials look for medical evidence of their true age. Illegal alien rapists in Sweden pretend that they are only children, and Swedish officials oppose doing any objective age-testing because those tests are deemed "de-humanizing" and "intrusive." Never mind that age-testing (often checking for the presence of wisdom teeth) is perfectly legal when performed on their own native-born citizens.

--- What is wrong with this picture?

Watcher seewithyourowneyes • 5 hours ago
And the Swedes actually destroyed the career of the dentist who proved the men were not children.

Valhallan • 7 hours ago
Sweden the most multicultural country in Europe also has the highest levels of rape of women, men and children in Europe. It’s almost as if there is a connection…

Edward T. Head • 9 hours ago
Illegal aliens doing what they do no matter what country they invade

Anonymous said...


GRA:On to Trump stealing nuke secrets--lol.In essence,the CDC says there are no differences in risk from Covid between vaccinated and unvaccinated people--while other evidence(I say)suggests the vaxxed get it worse--along with clots etc.

After all this time we now learn,"the science" was wrong-- and they admit it today(sort of).