Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Ann Coulter: Merrick Garland is a lunatic (Breonna Taylor)

-----Original Message-----
From: Ann Coulter from UNSAFE <>
Wed, Aug 10, 2022 5:21 p.m.

Merrick Garland is a lunatic

Merrick Garland Is a Lunatic


Anonymous said...

So we go back to my old argument:Who's lying?Either Ann Coulter is or the ny times,woodtv etal. are.

Why would my local station push forth a fabrication about Breonna Taylor to make her a hero?Why would Grand Rapids name a street for a drug involved female thug?Why cover up the facts Ann Coulter has gathered--ignore them--and crown Taylor a martyr?Why reward crime,lying,a slum life with constant praise of her and derogatory charges against the cops?

If you believe Coulter,Breonna Taylor should have been in prison for the last 10 years.

Instead,four officers,attempting to uphold the law--are in danger of being Chauvinized.

What's going on?How is it happening--and WHY is it happening?

I don't understand--as usual.


Anonymous said...

"they were being shot at when they fired."

Not just being shot at. One cop was hit and nearly died.

Anonymous said...

They colored girl rented a car, used it, and when she returned it to the rental agency they found a dead body in the trunk. The colored girl said she knew nothing about THAT.

The colored girl was a paramedic who had access to narcotics. How much did she steal for her bad guy boyfriend?