Thursday, May 12, 2022

The Canadian Solution to Poverty: “Tucker Carlson Reveals Canada is Paying to Kill Poor People to ‘Slow the Spread’ of Poverty”

By N.S.

There is an immigration aspect to this. The Canadian government, like our unelected "government," is inviting foreign grifters by the millions to come here, whereupon the government grifters pick the pockets of law-abiding, tax-paying Whites, to fill the pockets of the foreign criminals.

Carlson interviews Charles C. Camosy, author of Losing Our Dignity: How Secularized Medicine is Undermining Fundamental Human Equality.


Anonymous said...

That isn't equality or fairness--it's an extreme favoritism of the usual suspects--despite their lack of contributions to society.You cannot legislate equality in terms of talent,intelligence and behavior.Life isn't fair--never has been--but in a communist society,everyone is technically equal--equally poor and deprived of the will to better themselves.


eahilf said...

>"... Canada is Paying to Kill Poor People to ‘Slow the Spread’ of Poverty”

Physician assisted suicide is legal in Canada (link), and some people may choose it, for one reason or another; I doubt poverty ('poor people'), per se, is a reason to do so, or would be accepted as such, barring other factors -- I am not sure who pays for it -- given that Canada has something similar to the NHS, it is probably the government, one way or another; there is nothing especially sinister about that.

It is natural to have mixed feelings about, or to be extremely troubled by, something like physician assisted suicide, e.g. if appropriate safeguards are in place to prevent egregious abuse -- the conditions under which assisted suicide is allowed in Canada (poverty alone isn't one of them), as well as the safeguards, are described in the link above.

So it seems a little pejorative to refer to this as 'killing' or euthanasia -- nothing in the Carlson video justifies this rhetoric.

With fiat currency and large deficits, it's clear money is not really as zero sum as some may think, albeit in any year a budget is finite -- but if you want, you can ask if resources expended on immigrants would have helped some of the people who chose assisted suicide enough for them to have not chosen to end their lives, although I personally do not see this question as all that relevant -- the answer is probably only in extremely rare exceptions.

A few links:

Are Canadians being driven to assisted suicide by poverty or healthcare crisis?

Why is Canada euthanising the poor?

A troubling case in the headline (however the videos show people who were hopelessly terminally ill):

Woman with chemical sensitivities chose medically-assisted death after failed bid to get better housing

>Fundamental Human Equality

There is no such thing as 'fundamental human equality'.