Wednesday, May 11, 2022

russian official says nato would be destroyed within 30 minutes if nuclear escalation occurs

By Jerry PDX
Monday, May 9, 2022 at 12:25:00 A.M. EDT

russian official says NATO would be destroyed within 30 minutes if nuclear escalation occurs:

Know anybody with a bomb shelter in their backyard?


Anonymous said...

Make it 10 minutes and you have a deal.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Listen as two emasculated "bitch ass White boy" NBA players Kevin Love and JJ Reddick (retired) talk about being called variations of the "White Boy" slur throughout their careers.
Instead of standing up for the principle that it's wrong for anyone to use a racial slur against anyone, they make excuses for racist black players who use slurs against them. Perhaps the most pathetic part is where Reddick refers to ex NBA player and announcer Kenny Smith saying it's OK for blacks use the slur against Whites because when they use it, there's "no power behind it". Then he further tries to justify that racist excuse by saying that black players using slurs against Whites aren't keeping them from doing what they want to do.

I think that puts the dumb in jock. I think we can add racist in there also.

OK, let me ask you this Mr. Smith, if some random White guy calls you a "bitch ass black boy", does that keep you from doing what you want to do? No, of course not, it's an insult to you regardless whether the insulter had any economic power over you, just like if a black uses it against a White. The racist hypocrisy and double standard expressed by racists like Kenny Smith is a wonder to behold, and the fact that nobody in the media will called him out on it is beyond human reason (there may have been people who disagreed, but note he is still employed and nobody has exerted power to punish him, but if he were white...). But that's the bizarro Woke world we live in today.

I do wonder about the power dynamic here, with blacks a majority in certain professional sports, how many Whites are intimidated away from those sports by racist blacks who use their power in numbers to racially intimidate? I've known Whites with athletic talent but personalities that wouldn't deal well with that sort of thing. I wouldn't be surprised if there are White athletes with pro potential that had their careers derailed early on by that kind of racism.

Being called "bitch ass White boys" by racist blacks does not make Love and Reddick "bitch ass White boys", it's when they don't stand up for themselves, their race and their dignity as human beings that they become exactly what those black players are calling them.

Anonymous said...

Russians never tell the truth if a lie will do. If Russia nukes NATO countries the US will nuke them--we have submarine launched missiles that will turn Russia into glass. The Russians have been much less than impressive in Ukraine--losing 8 of their generals. Russians like to talk big, but they have just as much to lose by starting a nuclear war.
I once worked with a Russian engineer. Every drawing produced under her supervision was full of mistakes--it was my job to correct them. Later she had the nerve to tell me that "with my project there were no mistakes--not one!" Guess she forgot who she was talking to because I had fixed all the drawings.
One danger is that if Putin is dying of cancer as some claim, he may decide to go out with a bang--and then everyone loses.

Anonymous said...

Putin may have cancer--I've read that and he doesn't look at all as energetic as a couple years ago. In fact,he looked like FDR at Yalta--during his country's last military display--last week.He may have some other disease where the medicine bloats his system--as Jerry Lewis suffered in 2003.Lewis survived another 15 years.

We don't know.

I've always thought Putin was a sensible leader--maybe if he's dying,he'll try to settle the war.Maybe he ISN'T dying--and the war continues.

There isn't any way to know--except for CIA secret info--which currently,we don't have as public knowledge..