Tuesday, May 10, 2022

In Portland, White, far-left journalist got caught staging a series of hate hoaxes, but the #msm weren’t terribly interested in exposing on him

By Jerry PDX
Monday, May 9, 2022 at 2:07:00 P.M. EDT

In the progressive paradise of Portland we finally had a rash of hate crimes with an appropriately “White” suspect...except, guess what? The perp turned out to be 34-year-old Michael Bivins, a White far-left journalist who has been reporting on the right for liberal media for years.


I recognized the name as soon as it was reported in the media. I’ve read his articles in ww and other local leftist publications. He is a typical self-righteous wokester who whips up hysteria about imaginary White supremacism and mindlessly supports the blm, lgbtq, etc... agendas.

Normally, catching a White man doing something like this gets 24/7 coverage but there has been a noticeable lack of enthusiasm of local reporting about this incident, undoubtedly because too much focus on this will make the public aware that it is yet another hate crime hoax.

Corey Pein, a leftist freelance journalist colleague was interviewed and had this to say about Bivins:

“Since I expect to get asked about this: Mike and I shared a byline once on a story about rising right-wing extremism in Portland, but we reported and filed entirely separately and the story was stitched together later in editing. I really can’t speak to his life, or this event.”

I have a feeling Mr. Pein knows more about Bivins than he is letting on. He’s just playing dumb to keep from acknowledging that this is yet another staged hoax. Of course, if you asked him, he would undoubtedly say something like: This is just an anomaly, the epidemic of hate crimes is real.

No; he’s a liar. There is no wave of hate crimes, unless you count black-on-White violence, which happens every day.

This also from the article:

“The Post Millennial editor-at-large Andy Ngo broke the news on twitter, saying that Bivins had been ‘arrested over vandalism attacks on synagogues & attempted arson at a mosque. He’s been charged with multiple felonies.’

“‘His last DM to me in 2020 was a message critical of me posting #Antifa riot mugshots,’ Ngo said.”

Here is a little more on Mr. Bivins from wiki:



Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Will Mr. Bivins actions will be tallied as "White on Muslim/Jewish" hate crimes for statistical purposes? I don't know but latest reports on this said that police are still deciding whether or not to file bias charges against him. Usually, they slap the hate crime designation on Whites almost immediately, even with the flimsiest of evidence, but it feels like they might actually be considering his background as a left wing activist.

eahilf said...

>exposing on him

exposing him


In recent months, his Twitter feed, has taken an angry turn with many Tweets referring to "the Biden Crime Family," as well as personal attacks on people such as Vice President Kamala Harris and Chelsea Clinton. He also tweeted that "Portland is turning into Mexico."

Based -- so he's not all bad.