Sunday, May 08, 2022

great moments in negro rioting (photo)

By A Colleague
Sun, May 8, 2022 10:17 p.m.

great moments in negro rioting

A classic Watts, 1965. It belongs in the negro rioting museum, alongside the fire hose used on negro rioters in Birmingham, and the Trayvon Martin Skittles bag and Mike Brown stolen cigars, and George Floyd's Toxicology Report.

If we took up donations, the nnrm could be erected, alongside the afro-american museum on the Mall.


Anonymous said...

A great idea,but unfortunately,it would burn quickly in the next riot.


Anonymous said...

Do they still have the yearly festival to celebrate the "insurrection".

Anonymous said...

"A great idea, but unfortunately, it would burn quickly in the next riot."

Correct. Almost none of the negro street hoodlum potential rioter is even aware in the foggiest manner of what occurred in Watts. That is way old ancient history.