Sunday, May 08, 2022

google celebrates Mother's Day the White genocide project in a White-Free world

By N.S.

No White hands, just different shades of brown.

google has decided to terminate the White race, right now.

madison avenue has made the same decision. Most TV commercials I now see have no non-Hispanic, White families. Every White adult is paired either with a homosexual or a non-White. No White couples, no White children, no White race.


Anonymous said...

Agreed. As you know--I've been bringing this up for years.But,why is this illusion being thrust upon us?What is the point of flooding commercials with black actors/actresses--to prepare Whites for replacement--by ignoring demographics,or is the plan to familiarize Whites with blacks--not as they truly are--but in the image liberals want to depict them as?

Or both.

We know about fake news,but these are fake commercials.

So any suggestions as to how we can change an entire industry(besides storming the ad companies)that apparently likes what they're doing.


Anonymous said...


GRA:He has a new book out(which I won't name)and was on "Face the(Commie)Nation" today promoting it.

His comments were not subtle.He complained about the Supreme Court not being black enough,the "racist" gerrymandering in Congress and finally,Donald Trump needs to be indicted for inciting an insurrection--and by inferrence--locked away,so that he can be forced to miss the 2024 election.

Margaret Brennan acted "stunned" by some of his assertions--acting is the key word--and when Holder wrapped up by saying,"the entire political system is broken and needs to be 'fixed' so that people of color are fairly represented,"Brennan flushed with shock and excitement.

"Will you blacks keep me as a sex slave,at least?"She telepathically asked?

There was no apparent recognition of that question by Holder,but I'd say his answer would be,"We'll see--either that or a slow torturous death."

And she winked back.Crazy effin' White people in media.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Negro airbnub renter named Caveion Lett tries to shoot his landlord through the door, instead hits the man's girlfriend, she suffers life threatening injuries but is expected to survive:
There are more details on Facebook:

"Caveion"? That's a new one, how creative. One thing about Portland, our leftist Mayors and City Councilors are hostile toward landlords and have been working overtime to eliminate their rights as homeowners and business people. You aren't allowed to "choose" your tenants, you must accept the first application that crosses your desk, regardless of how sketchy they or what kind of rental or criminal history they have. Once they are embedded in your property, it's near impossible to get them out, almost no matter what they do. It's forcing many landlords out of business or costing them money. Negro renters are the worst, they are often deadbeat renters and a very high percentage are nuisance neighbors that play loud music, have raucous parties and damage property. Landlords simply don't want to rent to them but if there is any suspicion that you denied someone based on race, you could face legal repercussions. Not that all landlords follow those rules, there are ways around it. I know because my parents owned multiple homes and rented them out while we were growing up. They never rented to negroes having learned their lesson on that one early on.

This Caveion had a history of mental issues and looking at his photo and those crazy eyes, I think any sensible person would have realized this guy would be a problem. I have to wonder if his landlords were liberals who didn't want to be "racist" (or should I say: practice common sense).

Anonymous said...

Especially whitey wimmens "paired" with negro men living in marital bliss they say. And having several of the most wonderful mulatto chirrens.