Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Norm MacDonald from Beyond the Grave, on “Refugees” and “Asylum-Seekers”

[Re: “How Asylum was Abused Beyond Recognition”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Sunday, September 19, 2021 at 5:50:00 A.M. EDT

What Norm MacDonald might riff about on this subject.

So the US government is now letting refugees in for many reasons—not just political asylum. I’ve got the updated list right here.

“Your wife in El Salvador is nagging you about taking out the trash every week—you qualify.

“Unable to get I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter’ at the grocery store?You qualify.

“In Haiti, if your basic cable is only 25 stations—you qualify.”

“You’ve had a job for six months or more—and you want to spend the rest of your life sucking on the teat of the US welfare system—you qualify.

“You’re tired of killing your own countrymen and want to kill White Americans—like the blacks do—you qualify.”



Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Canada has a "Gender Equality Minister"???? Who's idea was that BS position? Trudeau with more of his diversity insanity? Well, it is Canada after all and they take Wokeness to it's furthest extremes. The minister's name is Maryam Monsef, and she is, you guessed it...A devoted follower of the religion of peace (oh, the irony), and of Afghani origin to boot. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/other/maryam-monsef-called-the-taliban-brothers-here-s-what-you-need-to-know/ar-AANJYzJ#comments
Recently, in a slip of the tongue, or should I say, Freudian slip, she called the Taliban her "brothers", then in true politician fashion, tried to cover up with a convoluted and phony sounding rational.
Reality is, she sympathizes with the Taliban, that little slip revealed her true beliefs, but underscored her own hypocrisy. If she was a true Muslim, she'd have stayed illiterate, married a 50 yr. old man at 12 and spent 99% of her time at home wearing a full burkha and raising a houseful of screaming little future jihadists.

Anonymous said...

All 100 % true. Every bit of it. Not even just humor but true.