Thursday, September 30, 2021

Make No mistake; the Evil, Deadly, Coordinated Globalist Attacks We are Currently Witnessing on Ivermectin Will Go Down in History as a Vicious Crime against Humanity

By R.C.
Thu, Sep 30, 2021 7:56 p.m.

Make No mistake; the Evil, Deadly, Coordinated Globalist Attacks We are Currently Witnessing on Ivermectin Will Go Down in History as a Vicious Crime against Humanity

R.C.: I've been on Rep. Gohmert's email list for some time.

And I am not a constituent of his.

N.S. Louie Gohmert's an American hero, in my book.

R.C. "There is an agenda." - Paul Craig Roberts


Anonymous said...

Senator Ron Johnson is also a hero--it was his Senate Hearing with Dr. Pierre Kory where I first learned about the effectiveness of ivermectin. As I have about 5 comorbidities, ivermectin may be the reason I still walk the earth.
Yes huge crime against humanity--Fauci and his henchmen need to be tried and punished for the deaths of millions of people.

Anonymous said...

Crimes against humanity. Trials as was done to the Nazi war criminals after WW2. Find Whitmer, Cuomo, Murphy, Wolf all guilty. Severe punishment for one and all. NOW.