Friday, April 09, 2021

What It Takes: "Out, Nazis!" -- Polish-Born Pastor Tell Off Officialdom in Calgary (Brief Video is a Must-Watch)

By An Old Friend

What It Takes: "Out, Nazis!" -- Polish-Born Pastor Tell Off Officialdom in Calgary (Brief Video is a Must-Watch)

Video is about 140 seconds.

Some of the comments from readers:

Notice the all-so-appropriate footwear of the lead Safety Nazi.

 an hour ago  edited
The pastor speaks with the voice of someone with first hand experience in standing up to the Left. Conservatives - take note. This is what it takes.

People with an Eastern European background always seem to get what's going on. What is wrong with everyone else?
  an hour agoThey haven't lived through the meaning of a totalitarian state

The sooner we all deal with the Woke this way, the quicker their power will fade.

Now that is what backbone and courage look like! Leave it to Eastern Europeans to know tyranny when they see it.

  The Poles, Hungarians, and other Eastern Europeans can smell tyranny miles away. You can't BS them when it comes to that.


      Anonymous said...

      Strange video.Wait until they get a warrant and come back.


      Anonymous said...

      jerry pdx
      Prince Phillip's "racist" past:

      Now that he's dead old comments from him are resurfacing, though perhaps with the exception of the first comment about "slitty eyed", nothing is really racially offensive, maybe in poor taste but not "racist", These articles will post the worst they can find and if this is the worst then it's clear his "racism" is being wildly exaggerated. I can't stand the Royal Family and in general, find them completely uninteresting but find myself liking Phillip a little more for his irreverence. Here is the paragraph containing the dreadful things he's reportedly said:

      "The royal family hasn't explicitly apologised for its past either, which is what many seem to be taking offense with today. In 1986, during a visit to China, he reportedly told exchange students in Xian "If you stay here much longer you will all be slitty-eyed." In 1995, he reportedly asked a Scottish driving instructor: How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?"

      "In 1999, he reportedly asked Lord Taylor of Warwick, who is originally from Jamaica "And what exotic part of the world do you come from?” During a 2002 visit to Australia, he reportedly asked the leader of an Aboriginal tribe "do you still throw spears at each other?” When he met the then-President of Nigeria in 2003, he apparently remarked "You look like you’re ready for bed!” The President was dressed in the nation's traditional wear for the event".

      Anonymous said...

      jerry pdx
      On the other hand, churches have been known to harbor and protect illegal alien criminals and if the cops were there trying to apprehend some of those, I'd have to be on their side.

      Anonymous said...

      Jerry,he might have been a secret writer for Don Rickles--the Nigeria joke and Scottish reference were keepers.


      Anonymous said...

      If only a few people resist the police state, they will be destroyed. The Chinese saying is "the nail which stand up gets hammered down." But if millions resist, the statists will be unable to handle it. And lose the worthless cell phones--that is how they track you and know where you are at all times. You don't need to be jabbering or texting on a phone constantly. Enjoy nature and your own thoughts. And if they put a vaccine passport on your phone, they will have a means to track every aspect of your life--the way they do in China with social credit scores. They block you from traveling and doing other things if they don't like your social credit score. People don't even use cash--they pay with their cell phones. Resist now before it is too late. I have never owned a cell phone and never will. And I will not allow them to inject the experimental biological agent into my body.