After David Horowitz and John Perazzo published an article on the same topic yesterday, my friend and partner-in-crime, David in TN, wrote me, asking,
Do David Horowitz and his co-author read NSU/WEJB?
I don't know about Horowitz, but some of his editors have been very supportive over the years, and have re-posted dozens of my works at Discover the Networks, and John Perazzo cited me in one of his books, about 20 years ago. However, Horowitz unpersoned me circa January, 2019, such that if you do a site search for my work, and don't know in advance exactly where it is, you'll never find it. Horowitz does that, from time to time. He did it years ago to Larry Auster, in response to a pathetic, poison pen letter from David Mills, aka "Undercover black man."
Yes, Virginia (Dare), Black Supremacism Really is a Thing
By Nicholas Stix
Earlier: “Yes, This is War.” When Blacks Say It, Maybe Whites Should Take Them Seriously?
Throughout the 16 (!) years I’ve been writing for, Editor Peter Brimelow has routinely struck out my references to “black supremacism.” (Here’s one he missed!) His rationale: readers wouldn’t understand the term; and it seemed a rather grandiose explanation for black behavior. (But Paul Kersey agreed with me. And Steve Sailer got away with calling it “black megalomania”). Now, with the Black Lives Matter blood libel against White America literally running riot, Peter has given up. So here I finally get to explain that, Yes, Virginia (Dare), Black Supremacism really is a Thing.
Part of our disagreement was certainly due to the fact that Peter grew up culturally deprived in England, whereas I am a kid from New York City’s vibrant suburbs and Outer Boroughs.
In late 1972, during my brief tenure as token white in a small vibrant (well, black) street gang, led by Allan “Poncho” Hankins, one member, John Henry Wright, once told me:
“All the white people gon’ die.”
N.S.: "Even me?"
JHW: “Even you, Stix.”
When Poncho began telling me, “You our slave,” cheating me out of shoplifting proceeds, and telling me that he and John Henry were going to afflict me with horrific beatings, I ran away.
When I participated, as a token white, in the initially black nationalist, federally funded Youth Justice Program (1974-1976), I survived occasional murder attempts by kids whose names I still remember: Ricky Booker, “Bo Diddly,” Johnnie Wilson.
In year two of the YJP, all participants were given copies of the Sam Greenlee novel, The Spook Who Sat by the Door. (Greenlee (1930-2014) was the first Affirmative Action hire into the U.S. Information Agency.)
Spook is an unreadable fantasy, in which the first black CIA agent (“Freeman”) crisscrosses the country, organizing black street gangs, in order to overthrow the U.S. government, and annihilate all whites.
When the YJP’s youth workers sought to engage the participants in conversation about Spook, I was the only participant who spoke. I believe that was because I was the only participant who had opened the book. My chief complaint: how terribly it was written.
The youth workers considered Spook not only great literature, but a realistic plan for action.
The YJP was funded by the federal Nixon administration Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, via the 1970 Safe Streets Act, and was administered by the Nassau County Economic Opportunity Commission.
As James Q. Wilson would later observe, public officials in those days really thought they could co-opt street fighters [“The Closing of the American City,” The New Republic, May 11, 1998]. At the time, John Kearse ran the EOC. Numerous black women who worked in the EOC’s daycare racket as pre-school teachers complained publicly that Kearse forced them to kick back a portion of their pay to him. Nassau County’s longtime conservative, pro-life, and allegedly law-and-order Republican DA, Denis Dillon, said he’d investigate the matter but dropped it, and Kearse died without being prosecuted, let alone imprisoned.
It’s called “Black Privilege.”
I know that no longer observes the anniversary of the 9/11 Muslim terrorist attacks. But it will be 19 years in September, and it has just provided a flagrant example of Black Supremacism in action.
You might recall Danny McWilliams (center), one of the three firefighters who memorably raised the Stars and Stripes over the smoking ruins of the World Trade Center.
In 2017, Cecilia B. Loving, the New York City Fire Department’s “Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer,” barred him from holding the flag in a color guard during a memorial Mass to honor deceased black firefighters.
McWilliams complained. And at the recent trial to resolve the matter, Loving, who is a lawyer, was completely brazen about her act of racial discrimination:
Cecilia Loving, the department’s chief diversity and inclusion officer, is defending a decision to kick Lt. Daniel McWilliams — one of three firefighters in the iconic 9/11 Ground Zero flag-raising photo — off a color-guard procession so it would be all-black.
Loving testified at a state Divsion [sic] of Human Rights trial on McWilliam’s [sic] complaint that he was the victim of racial bias.
When McWilliams showed up at a 2017 memorial mass to honor deceased members of the Vulcan Society, a fraternal group of black FDNY firefighters, he was barred from holding a flag in the color guard….
Loving, who is black, testified there is nothing wrong with that.
“‘So, a request for an all-black color guard is not discriminatory?’ McWilliam’s lawyer, Keith Sullivan, asked in the trial.
“‘No, it isn’t,’ Loving replied.
Asked if it’s acceptable to request an all-black color guard, she said, ‘Most definitely.’
Loving said it’s okay to replace a white member with an African-American to “uplift our identities and our separate ethnicities in order to instill a sense of pride and community and support for one another.”
[FDNY official defends excluding famed 9/11 firefighter from procession for being white, by Susan Edelman, New York Post, July 25, 2020.]
This kind of pro-black, anti-white discrimination is now explicit and epidemic in the American government and private sectors.
Of course, the Black Supremacist tradition has existed in African-American culture long before BLM or even before Eldridge Cleaver, Minister of Information for the Black Panthers, who infamously wrote in his book Soul On Ice (1968) that he regarded raping white women as “an insurrectionary act.”
The earliest black supremacists were free black Denmark Vesey (1767-1822) and slave Nat Turner (1800-1831). Vesey planned a massive slave revolt and the massacre of all whites in 1822, but a house slave turned him in. Vesey and 34 conspirators hanged. Turner led a bloody slave revolt in 1831, slaughtering about 60 whites. Turner and his followers were all killed.
More recently, Black Supremacist movements repeatedly appeared throughout the 20th century, often strikingly well-organized, if obviously crazy. Black Supremacist movements included the so-called Civil Rights Movement, Moorish Science Temple (MST), United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) and Nation of Islam (NOI).
The Civil Right Movement’s most successful offshoot, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, was founded in Baltimore in 1909, mostly by white (Jewish) socialists. Eventually, as Alan Stang (1932-2009) showed in It’s Very Simple: The True Story of Civil Rights (1965), the Civil Rights Movement became the most successful U.S. Communist front of all time. Martin Luther King Jr. surrounded himself with and was trained by communists such as Stanley Levison, Jack O’Dell, and Fred Shuttlesworth, as was Rosa Parks.
(Stang, one of the great anti-Communist muckrakers of American journalism, did not go unpunished. William F. Buckley Jr. conspired with leading Republicans in 1962 to destroy the reputation of Stang’s employer, Robert Welch, the founder of the John Birch Society. Although Welch had helped Buckley start his new magazine, National Review, the jealous Buckley wanted to be the GOP’s intellectual grand poohbah and would not tolerate competition [“Goldwater, the John Birch Society, and Me,”, by William F. Buckley Jr., Commentary, March, 2008]).
The “integrationist” Civil Rights Movement was dominated by and served a more educated, middle-class, light-skinned black elite, and worked through the courts and lawmakers. In contrast, the separatist “Black Nationalist” movements were dominated by and served a more dark-skinned, uneducated, violent, urban constituency. They have even worked through taking over prisons from the inside.
Thus, Marcus Garvey (1887-1940) founded the United Negro Improvement Association in Jamaica in 1912. Having come to America, he began the Harlem chapter of UNIA in 1916.
Garvey led the largest black movement in American history—partisan sources say as many as four million strong—and founded the Back-to-Africa movement, and a steamship company, the Black Star Line.
In 1920, Garvey was charged with criminal libel, and later mail fraud for his Black Star fundraising scheme. He probably would have gotten off, had he not been so vain as to insist on acting as his own attorney. He was convicted and, after serving years in prison, deported home to Jamaica in 1927.
Years ago, some Leftist historians suggested that Civil Rights Movement leaders were behind Garvey’s prosecution. More recently, white Communist and/or Black Supremacist conspiracy theorists have asserted the FBI (called the BOI at the time) was behind Garvey’s problems [PARDON MARCUS GARVEY, by Judith Stein, NYT, November 5, 1983].
The Moorish Science Temple (MST) arose next, founded in 1913 by “Noble Drew Ali” (Timothy Drew, 1886-1929). It collapsed quickly when Drew died in disputed circumstances. (A rival allegedly murdered him.) The MST fused pseudo-Islam and Garveyism, and served as a bridge between the UNIA and the subsequent Nation of Islam (NOI).
The NOI was born in the conflict over the succession to Timothy Drew. Founded in Detroit about 1930, NOI was the brainchild of an illiterate conman, drug addict, drug pusher, restaurant manager, and seller of fabrics whose real name is buried under a pile of aliases. Wallace Dodd Ford, right, better known as Wali Fard Muhammad (1886-unknown), did not have a drop of black blood coursing through his veins; he was almost certainly a South Asian.
After one of his Detroit followers ritually slaughtered a black man, Fard vanished. His closest follower, Elijah Pool, aka Elijah Poole, aka Min. Elijah Muhammad, led the movement to Chicago, which he renamed “New Mecca.”
Like its predecessors, the NOI believes in a coming White Holocaust. But, unlike them, NOI has actually murdered more than 90 whites, and wounded and raped many more, to help bring it about [Updated List of Nation of Islam Attacks on Whites, by Nicholas Stix, The Zebra Project, August 15, 2020].
Similarly, Cleaver’s Panthers murdered no fewer than 11 policemen between 1967-1981. A spinoff, the Black Liberation Army, which considered the Panthers insufficiently radical, slaughtered at least 10 cops.
The latest incarnation of the Black Supremacist movement is, of course, Black Lives Matter, a full-on Marxist operation that even uses the Communist clenched fist logo, albeit a black clenched fist. It is organized around a few general if unstated principles that will, eventually, justify the mass murder of whites. For example:
- Thanks to greater melanin content, every black is superior to all whites in every way—morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically, culturally, etc.;
- Blacks must have their own system of laws and rules—Civil Rights laws, Hate Crime laws, and Affirmative Action rules—that supersede the laws and rules which normal whites must obey. This system must be continuously enforced, reinforced, and expanded (I wrote this over ten years before Christopher Caldwell);
- Whites who have not broken any laws must be arrested, simply because they are white (see the Duke Rape Hoax and the Jena Hoax);
- Blacks must “take back” what they are “owed.” Looting is reparations;
- All symbols of white oppression, like statues of white heroes, must be destroyed;
- Blacks need not obey the “white man’s” law, or even simple rules that govern, say, cheating in school;
- Blacks need not obey or respect any white authority figure; and
- Whites must show deference to blacks; thus, the kneeling of whites, particularly white Eloi women, before black thugs.
- Every white, for all time, is responsible for any single injustice ever committed by any white against any black; conversely, no black is responsible for any injustices ever committed by any black against any white;
I believe it’s a short step from this unofficial yet ruthlessly-enforced Black Supremacist orthodoxy to exterminating whites who frustrate black ambitions, whatever those ambitions might be.
Still, Ruling Class Republicans are singing hosannas to BLM right along with the Democratic Party, which lost its mind in the late 1960s [Legislative Republican leaders agree with Black Lives Matter protesters, by Melanie Conklin, Wisconsin Examiner, June 28, 2020].
Fear not—not all blacks are black supremacists. I guesstimate that at most 95 percent are.
As Ed McMahon would have said,"That's EVERYTHING in the world you wanted to know about black supremacism--right there in that essay."
"Wrong,watermelon breath!"
"There's MORE?"
"Yes,everyday there are additional factoids exclusively on NSU--like the Jessica Beauvois witch who hates Whites and ran one over intentionally."
Many more examples everyday.
That really does say it all,N.S.Should be mandatory reading by all high school and college Whites and Whites in the general population.
"I believe it’s a short step from this unofficial yet ruthlessly-enforced Black Supremacist orthodoxy to exterminating whites who frustrate black ambitions, whatever those ambitions might be."
GRA:There are two ways that genocidal murder can happen to Whites.One,is unofficially--through the daily situations of life and fate itself--a broken down car,an internet date,jogging in a sparsely populated area,being related to a person who knows or is married to a black(i.e.:Rodrick Dantzler,who wiped out his entire White in-law family in Grand Rapids 10 years ago,this July),working at a business where blacks are also employed,a bar where blacks unexpectedly show up,a party that blacks crash--as in Mount Pleasant last week,a White postman delivering in a black neighborhood,an elderly White couple sitting at home,until black intruders break in to torture,rob,rape and kill them.
All those different manner of murdering Whites is slow and tedious--and takes time to add up to the levels of where blacks feel White deaths should be at.
Then there's the official way--government sponsored White erasure--by blacks in power--much faster.
Let me say right now,I trust no black officeholder to look out for my or ANY White's welfare in general--and if enough of them are voted in(with Whitey's help)to mayor,governor,representative or Senator in enough numbers--and finally president to top it off--the blueprint for carrying out this type of mass slaughter of Whites can be attempted and achieved,with relative ease.They would be in control of city police,the National Guard,the legal system,the business community,the media and whatever else they need to dispense with what blacks really crave--the power to genocide Whitey.
We're getting close.Everyone is pushing for Tim Scott to run for POTUS,but as a black Republican- in my humble opinion--he's no different than a black Democrat or black anything--he just tells everyone(Whites) what they want to hear to enable them trust him.Once in power,I have no doubt he would ally with radical blacks in a heartbeat to carry out this racial slaughter--if that's what other blacks deemed necessary. Being a negro knows no party.
I cannot take the chance that Scott doesn't think that way,deep inside and no White should EVER vote for a black with the exception of being on a jury--for his guilt.
By avoiding that key mistake,the life you save may be your own--and your family's.
"The youth workers considered Spook not only great literature, but a realistic plan for action."
Even if both poor literature and hardly a realistic plan IT IS what they would like to do.
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