Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Viktor Orbán: Native Population Decline is the "Sickness of Europe"

By R.C.
Tue, Sep 10, 2019 9:24 a.m.

"Viktor Orbán: Native Population Decline is the 'Sickness Of Europe.'"


Anonymous said...

Orban needs to explain to Trump what has to be done here in the US--same proposals that Europe must embrace(throw in more prisons too).Instead of the European Central Banks throwing money into a steadily declining financial system--by buying bonds and bailing out countries to the tune of billions of dollars--they could take some of that wasted money and invest it in Orban's plan of incentivizing native reproduction.But the ECB is run by globalists,so don't count on that to occur--at least on a continent wide basis.Brussels controls all things EU (European Union).
Any changes will have to be done by each country--on its own--to the objection of the Merkles and Macrons.Look at the pushback that Boris Johnson is getting from anti-Brexit groups--who would never approve of what Orban suggests.
I wrote many times in the past two years about Trump needing to propose tax incentives for (white)people to have more kids.He could base tax cuts on the fact that combined income is over a certain amount--say $50,000--to qualify.That amount would exclude most blacks and Mex from qualifying for the plan.It would not have to be a tax cut--it could also be a monthly stipend,given to "stay at home mothers" who quit their job to raise kids.
In my opinion,Trump would never attempt such a proposal unless he was in a second term--which is iffy,at best,at this point,
---GR Anonymous

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I disagree, the sickness is believing you have to replace Europeans with Muslims & negro's.

Anonymous said...

GRA:John Bolton,who would drop bombs on his wife,mother and grandchildren if it meant guaranteeing another needless war somewhere,resigned/was fired.
He will soon be employed at CNN or MSNBC as "disgruntled ex-Trump higher up and contributor."
It's possible another "source" for NBC News has left the building--if you believe NBC had real sources in the first place.