Friday, September 06, 2024

More perks for prisoners!

[“death row in oregon.”]

By Jerry PDX
friday, september 6, 2024 at 1:18:00 a.m. edt

Our local “news”paper also ran a similarly themed article designed to elicit sympathy for scumbags in prison:

It was in the print edition but I couldn't find the online story. Wouldn’t matter though, you’d have to sign up and pay to read the story anyways. The instagram article referenced the story and mentions how some prison officials want to give prisoners free phone calls. I get are these guys supposed to keep their drug operations going when they have to pay for phone calls? Not to mention all the prison groupies they need to keep in touch with or those phone scam operations humming along.

Maybe if these guys don’t want to be separated from their loved ones and have to pay for phone calls home they shouldn’t have done the crime in the first place? Ya think?


Anonymous said...

Instead of prison,they want to turn it into a ghetto apartment complex.


Anonymous said...

There was a very local story about a small-time dealer who called his girlfriend from jail. He described to her where to find a certain Burger King cup on the side of the road such-and-such a location . Dummy! The call was being monitored. The police got there first and found the cup with the meth before the girlfriend could complete the deal.