Sunday, September 15, 2024

latest ohio poll

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, september 15, 2024 at 12:44:00 a.m. edt

“President Donald Trump held 53% of respondents’ voting choices, while [fake] Vice President Kamala Harris trailed at 43%. The 10-point lead falls outside the poll’s +/- 3.1% margin of error, and another 4% of voters polled were undecided.”

--latest Ohio poll.



Anonymous said...

It's down to about 5 states--including Pennsylvania,Georgia,N.C.,Arizona and New Mexico. If P.T. can pull off Michigan,that would make it easier,but I doubt Michigan will go Republican.


AbolishTenure said...

The Ohio poll I want to see is about Gov. Mike DeWine, especially if his role in importing Haitians breaks through the mainstream wall of silence.

Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona: Same corrupt systems and same corrupt people are still in place. So what if Pa. Supreme Court ruled No on misdated and undated ballots? Cheaters will count them anyway and any legal remedy will come too late, after Smirkin' John Roberts administers the oath at the Kamalauguration.

New Mexico??? You have got to be kidding.

Georgia: So Kemp mended fences with Trump? Don't believe it for a minute.
Sec o' State Rufflespigger staying a half-step ahead of the law. The House Speaker by the way is going wobbly on gun legislation since the Winder school incident. Might push it through in time for Ahmaud Arbery Day, which was a gift of the very same Republican legislature. SoyBoy and the BLM Reverend have their Senate seats for life. Stacey Abrams was just a decade ahead of her time and never late for dinner.

Which leaves North Carolina as a consolation prize. Whoopee!

Anonymous said...

DeWine is a DeRino. Contemptible.


Anonymous said...

All our White "leaders" are deserting us. They must be demoted to white in print.