Thursday, September 12, 2024

Fact check exposes black supremacist fake newsman Lester Holt’s newest lies

Jerry PDX
thursday, september 12, 2024 at 9:19:00 p.m. edt

Just watched Lesta the lyin,’ smirkin,’ molesta on channel 8 run a feature on how President Trump “lied” about illegals voting. It’s almost surreal watching something so blatantly deceptive and false, the feature even contradicted itself.

Check it out here:

After accusing the President of “lying” about illegals voting, the report showed a map of states that do allow illegals to vote in local elections, they just can’t vote for president. The President never specified about whether or not they could vote locally or nationally, he just said that they were being allowed to vote. He was absolutely right, illegals ARE voting in local elections, and he is warning us about what is to come.

Does anybody have any doubt that the next step will be to let them vote for president? We know damn well and good that there are people (dems) who would love nothing more than to have illegals casting votes for president and are working hard right now to make it happen.

They also know that those illegal alien invaders will all vote democrat when they get handed citizenship.

It’s like illegals getting handed driver’s licenses, debit cards loaded with cash, free housing, etc.... People would have said that wouldn’t happen, couldn’t happen, blah blah, then it does. That’s why we have to be vigilant and head them off before they do more damage.

N.S.: If they’re permitted to vote in a national election year, they’ll certainly vote for president.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dumped Lesta when I dropped cable. So now I'm stuck with David Muir,who has become more "Holtish" as the election has gotten closer to November. I don't miss watching the nig's lies while I eat supper. I watch M*A*S*H now with my dinner--better for digestion,lol.