Thursday, September 12, 2024

About those "cheap," 3-d printed homes: reality would like a word with you

[“builder of first ohio 3d-printed home says own ‘for the price of a car payment’”]

By Jerry PDX
thursday, september 12, 2024 at 8:59:00 p.m. edt

Still a lot to work out with 3-d printed homes.

They can reduce labor costs but the only thing a printer can make is the basic structure. There’s a lot more to a house that needs to be done. Plus, the materials needed are not sustainable like wood but need resource extraction, which could be even more devastating to the environment. They aren’t “cheap,” either.

Those articles about $50,000 homes aren’t true at all; by the time all the costs are tallied up, they will be comparably as expensive as normal homes. Not that they couldn’t be cheaper in the future if they go into mass production and some of the kinks are worked out, but dirt-cheap homes aren’t going to be spewed out by the millions. Those articles are designed to whip up excitement and pull in speculative cash, which will make certain investors very wealthy:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obviously the claim of a price like a car payment is pure BS. The HVAC, plumbing, plumbing fixtures, wiring, etc. would cost far more. The way to lower the cost of housing is to get rid of the regulations which add 30% or more to the cost of a house. Then there is the restrictive zoning, etc.