Friday, September 13, 2024

The cover story is drought and elephant overpopulation: zimbabwe will cull 200 elephants, as it faces an unprecedented drought that has led to food shortages while also tackling a ballooning population of the animals, the country's wildlife authority said on friday

friday, September 13, 2024 at 07:43:14p.m. edt

zimbabwe will cull 200 elephants as it faces an unprecedented drought that has led to food shortages while also tackling a ballooning population of the animals, the country's wildlife authority said on Friday.
Because blacks f--k up everything they touch!

"Why did your parents leave South Africa?," I asked the young, white female.

"Because they saw the handwriting on the wall," she replied.

I had this conversation over 40 years ago with a young coed.  Her family was originally from Rhodesia.  The family move to South Africa, and then moved to the States in the mid-1970s.

Folks in this banana republic are in for a world of hurt as the browning of America continues.


Anonymous said...

"the country said..."

After that I stopped reading.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
If a formerly endangered population of animals has been stabilized and even grown to a point where they are overpopulated, there's no reason you couldn't start hunting them again. As long as it's done sustainably. The resistance reminds me of what is happening here in the Pacific NW with the exploding sea lion population. Damn things figured out that salmon are easy pickings at the entrance of the fish ladders and started wiping them out before they could get up the ladder to breed. Animal rights loons screamed they are protected so we shouldn't harm a hair on their heads (if they have hair that is). They ignored the fact that the hunting that drove them to near extinction has ceased and that their numbers have rebounded to the point they are considered pests in some areas. They are no longer "endangered", they are everywhere and in no danger of extinction. Whenever the wildlife officials try to cull their numbers to help the Columbia River salmon, a genuinely endangered species, they file lawsuits and protest like hell while the wild salmon runs continue to dwindle.
Point is, elephants are animals and can overpopulate just like any other species, if negroes are capable of sensible management, then let them manage the elephant populations.