Friday, September 13, 2024

“why are you asking me questions?!,” asked haitian driver indignantly, after he almost killed autistic girl, 7, when he made an illegal turn… in springfield, ohio!; new york post operatives Jack Morphet and Patrick Reilly, and editor-in-chief Keith Poole lie, in order to cover for crimes of haitian illegal aliens

By N.S.

"haitian motorist making illegal turn in springfield, ohio, smashes into mom driving with autistic daughter"

"'the haitians just don't know our laws. they are causing accidents all the time. they just need to learn the laws of the road, they need schooling,' the mom told..."


Anonymous said...

Haitian cockroaches abound.


AbolishTenure said...

Our new neighbors want to help us
expand our dining horizons. Given the choice between cats on the Haitian menu and bugs on the WEF menu, I would brush up on my French and Creole.