Thursday, September 12, 2024

English-speaking four-year-old told to hire translator; he's the only American in his pre-k class

By Merlin
thursday, september 12, 2024 at 09:28:06 p.m. edt

English-speaking child told to hire translator

15 years ago, a story like this would have been considered science fiction, or hogwash.
     Now, it's real.    The truth is that most native Americans couldn't emigrate because

  they're White, and legal immigration, since 1965, has tightly restricted the migration of Whites 

  into the USA.    New laws passed by congressional democrats in 1965 ended the system that 

favored european immigrants, and today, the majority of this country's immigrants hail from asia and 

latin america, and more recently, africa and the caribbean..

----- Forwarded Message -----

thu, sep 12, 2024 at 5:10 p.m.
English-speaking child told to hire translator

Consider how bad things had become in the schools when I wrote "Demographics on the Ground" in January of 2019, a little more than a year before the Biden-Harris administration would take over.  Clearly things have gotten worse at an almost unimaginable rate all around the country.  

This is treason. The US Constitution makes it clear that money is only supposed to be spent on citizens and the state constitutions do not authorize providing aid to aliens - especially illegals.
There is no such thing as government money.  The money comes from and belongs to the citizens and the government is limited to spending it for the needs of citizens.  That makes providing anything except absolute emergency services to illegals during the deportation process,  'treason.'

Migrant Crisis Hits Ohio Schools: English-Speaking Child Told to Hire Translator


In a recent incident from New Philadelphia, Ohio, a local man expressed shock and frustration after learning that his four-year-old grandson, the only English-speaking student in his preschool class, would require a translator to participate in class activities. The man's daughter, attending a meet-and-greet event at the school, was informed that her son would need a translator due to the overwhelming presence of Spanish-speaking children, reflecting a broader trend across the nation.

Ohio man blasts preschool for telling family to 'hire translator' for grandson who is only English speaking student in class Video:

In a video shared on social media, the grandfather stated, "My daughter enrolled my four-year-old grandson into preschool last week, and they have a little meet and greet." He went on to express his dismay, noting that the school is located in a predominantly conservative area, yet the challenges stemming from migration have become increasingly unavoidable. "This migrant problem is not a red state, blue state thing because I live in a red state, and we're just overrun with them. It's our whole government. It's all of them," he said, highlighting a sentiment many conservatives share regarding the perceived failure of the government to manage immigration..

The incident brings to light ongoing concerns about the effects of illegal immigration and the failure of current policies to address cultural integration adequately. For many, the notion that an American child, in a public school in the heart of a red state, would need to hire a translator to navigate his education is emblematic of deeper systemic failures. Conservatives have long argued that unchecked immigration, especially illegal immigration, places an undue burden on both local infrastructure and American families, particularly in regions that have historically been shielded from these pressures.

While liberal perspectives often emphasize the need for inclusivity and diversity, the reality on the ground for many families, particularly in states like Ohio, paints a starkly different picture. The fact that American-born children are now in the minority in some classrooms reflects a broader demographic shift, one that has been exacerbated by lax immigration policies at the federal level. This situation leaves many parents wondering why their children should have to adapt to foreign languages and cultures rather than the reverse.

The implications of such shifts in the classroom go beyond the inconvenience of hiring a translator. For many conservatives, this represents an erosion of American cultural identity, where English is no longer the dominant language, even in public schools. The grandfather's remarks encapsulate a growing frustration with how these issues are being handled, or rather mishandled, by both federal and local governments. His statement about the issue not being confined to red or blue states speaks to the widespread nature of the problem, suggesting that even conservative strongholds are not immune.

This incident, while seemingly isolated, underscores the growing tension between American citizens and the exploding migrant population, particularly regarding language barriers and cultural assimilation. Schools, which once functioned as melting pots for American children of all backgrounds, are increasingly seen as battlegrounds for cultural identity, with language playing a pivotal role. For many, the expectation that American families should bear the burden of translation costs is not only unreasonable but a symbol of the broader failures of immigration policy.

"This migrant problem is not a red state, blue state thing because I live in a red state and we're just overrun with them. It's our whole government. It's all of them."

The question now arises: should the burden be on American families to adapt to these changes, or should there be stronger enforcement of English as the primary language in public education? The latter is essential for preserving American culture and ensuring that native-born children are not disadvantaged by the influx of non-English-speaking students. This situation, in the heart of Ohio, offers a stark reminder of how pervasive the issue has become, reaching far beyond border states and into the heartland.

While the school district has yet to respond formally to the claims, the grandfather's video has sparked significant debate online. Many conservative commentators have echoed his sentiments, emphasizing that this is yet another example of how immigration policies are failing American citizens. As this story continues to unfold, it is likely to fuel further discussions about the role of language in education and how best to balance the needs of a diverse student body with the preservation of American cultural values.



Anonymous said...

Fast moving invasion.


Anonymous said...

If Trump wins--and the dirty DemonRats don't cheat out of victory--AGAIN--we must remind him constantly of his promise to do the largest deportation in history. Not every one of the 40 million need to be personally deported--stopping the benefits and jailing employers will force the rest to get the hell out of our country. Deport them all and let God figure it out. And legal immigration needs to stop as well--we don't need Indians and Chinese to take all the legal jobs.

Anonymous said...

Or force nigs into jobs that are waaaay over their heads,education-wise.

White people first--for a change.

Hey,that'd be a pretty good campaign slogan.