Saturday, September 14, 2024

Scandal enveloping illegally elected, black supremacist nyc mayor, eric adams, widens, as "nyc's chief legal counsel steps down from Adams’ office, week after fbi raids homes of mayor's top aides" (photo)

By N.S.

Undated photo: "nyc city hall chief counsel Lisa Zornberg is leaving her post inside [fake] mayor Eric Adam’s office." Note Adams, Zornberg, and a second noi man behind them. Bodyguard of Adams, or pol?


Anonymous said...

Sometimes dominoes fall--all in a row.


Anonymous said...

But why are THESE dominoes falling? Why Adams and why now? The headlines of September 2024 were supposed to be cheery speculation about which job he would get in the next Administration. In DEI Fantasy Land, the FBI is "ours" and Eric Adams isn't supposed to be getting investigated by the FBI, he's supposed to be THE FIRST BLACK FBI director, we repeat, THE FIRST BLACK DIRECTOR, this is a CBS news bulletin, THE FIRST BLACK and he's going to make an FBI that looks like America, so there, nyaah nyaah nyaah, Democrats are the party of Law And Order. Christopher Wray is supposed to be having a press conference to say we looked under every rock and there's nothing big to see here, like Comey did for Hillary.

It's got to be more than just him whining about migrants or a bland sexual harassment accusation. Why in the world is he in the doghouse?

And the really scary part, what wacko degenerate is being set up to be the next mayor?