Sunday, September 15, 2024

Mark Steyn on the passing scene, mostly immigration and "refugees"

'Die paar Messerstecher': Grünen-Sprecherin spielt Migranten-Gewalt gefährlich herunter

sunday, september 15, 2024 at 05:32:46p.m. edt

Mark Steyn on the passing scene, mostly immigration and "refugees."

I almost always put refugees in quotes, because the incidence of fraud in our "refugee" programs is overwhelming.  (At a Claremont Institute conference back in 2003, I was introduced to Temple U. law prof Jan Ting.  Upon learning that Jan had been Assistant Commissioner of the [old] Immigration and Naturalization Service [INS] under the first Pres. Bush, I asked him if it's true that 90% of "refugee" admissions are fraudulent.  He replied, instantly, "95%."  Hence my use of quotation marks ...)

Here's a notable sentence from Steyn's musing below:

Among Feeding Our Future's ingenious wheezes was the purchase of vacation properties in the countries they're supposed to be refugees from. 

If you pay attention to the news over time, you'll hear about other cases of "refugees" taking vacations back in the countries they purportedly escaped from (purportedly to save their lives).  Minneapolis Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is an example.

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From: SteynOnline <>
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 04:57:53 a.m. edt
tongue got your cat?

Tongue Got Your Cat?

by Mark Steyn
Diversity Deathwatch
September 10, 2024

~That bollocks about America being "a nation of immigrants" is an early example of what we now call "virtue-signalling" -- and one the US has, alas, exported to other countries where it has even less application. A lot of it derives from that torch-bearing lady in the harbour. As I said at the Munk Debate in 2016, the French gave the Americans a great Statue of Liberty, and the Americans stapled a truly lousy poem to it and turned it into a Statue of Immigration:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to be human traffickers, jihadists,
Fentanyl dealers, gang rapists, unlicensed drivers, mail-in voters, Covid fraudsters, decapitators of American ducks...

Re that last one, J D Vance and others are getting some pushback for claiming that, in Springfield, Ohio, Haitian "refugees" are eating their neighbours' domestic pets. Naysayers insist that no cats were harmed in the making of this "far right" "fake news" story. On the other hand, from Springfield's Channel 6 News:

Woman arrested for allegedly killing cat, eating it in front of neighbors

That would be Allexis Telia Ferrell. On the other other hand, The Daily Dot responds, ah, yes, cat-eating may be happening in Ohio, but relax, it's not by "recent" immigrants:

Prominent conservatives are blaming recent immigration from Haiti after a woman in Ohio was arrested for allegedly eating a cat.

The only problem? The woman has lived in America for the past six years.

So her preferred dinner order is as American as apple pie with a side-order of Maine Coon. Got it. Very helpful.

Doubtless, even in America, the truth will eventually emerge. But, as the many fine judges I have been up before in US courtrooms like to say, we don't need to reach that particular question. The essentials of the situation are enough:

Per the last census (2020), Springfield has a population of 58,000.

The nutters in charge of this great republic then decided that a (Republican-voting) city of 58,000 would benefit from the addition of 20,000 Haitian "refugees". They have TPS, which means "Temporary Protected Status" -- like the Somalis, whose "temporary" protection began in 1991 and is scheduled to end a week today. Well, we'll see.

But, at a stroke, Springfield has been turned twenty-five per cent Haitian, and, given the sex and age distribution of the "refugee" cohort, rather younger and more male than it previously was. On that scale of importation, there is no possibility of assimilation with the mores of Springfield. Someone has taken the decision to kill the existing Springfield, and in its place will rise something other.

Such as what? Well, Haiti has the fourth highest murder rate in the world, so an increased Clark County corpse count would seem the way to bet, and not just in cats.

As elsewhere in the western world, the traffic is all one-way. Nobody in, say, Port-au-Prince needs to worry about the town suddenly becoming twenty-five per cent Ohioan.

We know why the Continentals put up with this. Because, as Americans are wont to jeer, they're the Euro-pussies, the cheese-eating surrender-monkeys, etc. Why then do the big butch Yanks string along with surrendering their country one "community" (Springfield, Aurora, Lewiston-Auburn, Dearborn, Minneapolis...) at a time? Right now America is on course to die as the world's largest Latin-American favela. Is that in the Constitution? Or even stapled on the Statue of "Liberty"?

No developed nation needs mass immigration.

~WALZING WITH THE DREAMERS: When the huddled masses start huddling, keep an eye on your wallet. Headline from The Guardian:

Republican-led House panel subpoenas Tim Walz over $250m Covid relief fraud

Walz is being promoted as "America's Dad" -- and boy, we'd all love a dad who let us relieve him of 250 million greenbacks. This is a story about a "charity" called "Feeding Our Future" who helped themselves to a quarter of a billion dollars intended to feed children affected by the Covid pandemic -- or, more accurately, children affected by the government's psychotic socio-economic crippling of daily life under the pretext of the Covid pandemic. So the chaps at Feeding Our Future, rather than feeding Minnesota kids, fed themselves, very lavishly. In June, five of these enterprising go-getters were convicted in federal court. Their names:

Abdiaziz Shafii Farah
Mohamed Jama Ismail
Abdimajid Mohamed Nur
Mukhtar Mohamed Shariff
Hayat Mohamed Nur

Among Feeding Our Future's ingenious wheezes was the purchase of vacation properties in the countries they're supposed to be refugees from. Somalia has one of the lowest average IQs in the world, but how smart do you have to be when you're up against American welfare bureaucrats focused on getting their pre-Christmas DEI bonus?

In most nations, $250 million would be a lot of money. Even in the economic powerhouse of Somalia, which per the UN has the sixth lowest GDP per capita on the planet, a quarter of a billion goes quite a long way. And no undernourished Covid-era moppet or any other Minnesotan will ever see that a dime of that 250 mil ever again.

So Tim Walz's Department of Education bought holiday homes for Mohammedan fraudsters with US tax dollars. Vote Walz: He did it to Minneapolis; he'll do it to you.

~DIVERSITY STABTRACKER: Speaking of Europe, as you know we have a regular feature at this shingle called Diversity Stabbing of the Day. Following last week's stampede by German voters to the "far right", a Green Party bigwig is urging these uptight fascists to lighten up:

'Die paar Messerstecher': Grünen-Sprecherin spielt Migranten-Gewalt gefährlich herunter

Which means:

'The few stabbers': Green Party spokeswoman dangerously downplays migrant violence

That would be the boundlessly breezy Inge Schwenger. Nevertheless, I learn from this news story that a fellow called Andreas Ziegler has started tracking Germany's "few stabbers" on a new website. For the first week of September, they averaged fourteen stabbings a day. That's what the Green Party regards as (to channel MI5 from the Seventies) an acceptable level of stabbing.

~STEYN I-TOLD-YOU-SO MOMENT: One more, from a global power that still thinks like a conventional ethnostate:

Slowly... slowly... the Chinese Politburo catches up with an obscure "niche Canadian" two decades ago. From Reuters this weekend:

China will no longer send children overseas for adoption, the government said, overturning a more than three-decade rule that was rooted in its once strict one-child policy.

One result of that policy:

China implemented a rigorous one-child policy from 1979-2015 to reduce its population. When families were restricted to having only one child, many opted to keep male children, who are traditionally expected to be the main caregivers for their families, and give up females for adoption.

Here's me in my ancient bestseller America Alone (2006) on what I called "the People's Republic's most distinctive structural flaw: the most gender-distorted demographic cohort in global history, the so-called guang gun – 'bare branches'":

Since China introduced its 'one child' policy in 1978, the imbalance between the sexes has increased to the point where in today's generation there are 119 boys for every 100 girls. The pioneer generation of that male surplus are now adults. Unless China's planning on becoming the first gay superpower since Sparta, what's going to happen to those young men? As a general rule, large numbers of excitable lads who can't get any action are useful for manning the nuttier outposts of the jihad but not for much else.

It is far easier to wreck basic societal building-blocks than to unwreck them. A decade after I wrote the above, the Politburo abandoned its disastrous one-child policy. Alas, a decade on from that, China has still not persuaded its women of childbearing age to re-acquaint themselves with the lost concepts of "brothers" and "sisters". Me again, all those years ago:

  • Will China be the hyperpower of the 21st century?
  • Answer: No. Its population will get old before it's got rich.

The ChiComs have taken two decades to catch up to that conclusion. They are in a hurry - and their urgency will lead to more dramatic and destabilising moves on the geopolitical scene.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't Tim Walz,"Minnesota FATS"?