Tuesday, August 13, 2024

red sox all-star offended millions of fans with his use of a word; bad guys not only get away with causing trouble, but get power boost! Incident underscores baseball, inc.’s support of sexual perverts, sexual psychopaths, and cheaters

By N.S.

The offensive word was “apologize.”

Nothing was done to the heckler who was harassing Jarren Duran.

“boston red sox star Jarren Duran suspended 2 games for insulting heckler with ‘a truly horrific word’”

“boston red sox star outfielder Jarren Duran was suspended for two games after he responded to a heckling fan with a disparaging remark.

“the red sox were losing 10-0 against the Houston astros in the sixth inning when Duran was up to bat. as he was adjusting his equipment, a heckler could be heard giving the all-star a hard time.

“‘tennis racket, tennis racket, you need a tennis racket!’ the fan can be heard yelling.

“Duran then turned to the crowd and was heard saying ‘shut up, you f***ing faggot!’”

“the audio was captured on the live broadcast, which Duran said he immediately realized and quickly apologized to home plate umpire Jordan Baker and astros catcher Yainer Diaz.

“‘they were right there; they heard me say it. I’m assuming they cut the mic because of my inappropriate word,’ Duran said.

“the 27-year-old said in a statement that he apologized for using a truly ‘horrific word’ in response to the heckler.

“‘during tonight’s game, I used a truly horrific word when responding to a fan.

“‘I feel awful knowing how many people I offended and disappointed. I apologize to the entire red sox organization but more importantly to the entire lgbtq…z community. our young fans are supposed to be able to look up to me as a role model, but tonight I fell far short of that responsibility.”

[N.S.: Now, instead, they must be ashamed of him, as a coward!]

“as is typical with these sorts of incidents, Duran said he plans on being re-educated.

“I will use this opportunity to educate myself and my teammates and to grow as a person.

“the californian said that there was no intent behind his choice of words; rather he simply said it in ‘the heat of the moment,’ and he noted that the fan was heckling him ‘the entire game.

“‘I said something I shouldn’t have said,’ Duran added.

[N.S.: No, you said something you should have said.]

“the red sox announced that his lost salary from the two games ($8,172) will be donated to a gay activist organization called pflag, formerly called parents, families and friends of lesbians and gays, according to espn.

“On its ‘what we stand for’ page, pflag touts supporting transgenderism [sic], race-based activism, and the inclusion of gay-centric education in schools.

[N.S.: In plain English, pflag—and baseball, inc.—support sexual psychopaths, black supremacism, and grooming children to become homosexuals.]

“the red sox president and ceo called the day ‘difficult’ and ‘disappointing’ after Duran’s suspension. he also said that he was proud of how the organization handled the situation and proud of Duran for ‘acknowledging his horrific mistake.’

“red sox manager Alex Cora said, ‘there’s a lot of work to be done, and I’m here to help him out.’”

N.S.: That would be Alex Cora, of the Houston cheaters who, in 2017 with Carlos Beltran cheated his team’s way to a fraudulent world series championship. If Cora and Beltran had been White, baseball, inc. would have banned them from baseball for life, but since they enjoy affirmative action privilege, they were never punished.



Anonymous said...

And he's White--a major factor for the public flogging.He IS White--right?Or mex--Duran?


Anonymous said...

How many "pflags" go to baseball games?Toe-may-toe,toe-mah-toe,fag or pflag.What difference does it make? They call their own group "pflag".Let's call the whole thing off.A ridiculous "controversy".