Friday, August 30, 2024

Are you suffering from Tds? If so, "independence" might be for you! (brief video)

By A Colleague

"are you or your loved ones suffering from illnesses such as Tds, also known as Trump derangement syndrome? do you dismiss or deny the current issues facing our country, such as historic inflation, illegal immigration, corporate corruption, world war three escalations, and the chronic disease epidemic?

"are you willing to elect someone who was the least popular vice president in modern history and offers no policy or vision for America, simply because your brain keeps telling you, 'anyone but Trump.

"if so, you might be struggling from Tds.

"introducing independence. independence allows you the freedom to finally think independently once again. instead of believing everything you hear from the mainstream media, independence allows for constructive critical thinking.

"I used to hear people on the news say things like, 'Donald Trump and the movement he has encouraged are a threat to democracy.' and I instantly believed it! with independence, I now realize the media are run by the democrat elite, who are a corrupt oligarchy who censor free speech, silence political opponents, support forever wars, and abandon democracy by anointing its candidates.

"independence may not be for everyone. if you enjoy being lied to about your president's cognitive abilities, support Orwellian totalitarianism, or are excited about communist fiscal policy, independence may not be right for you.

"common side effects of independence may include an awakening of rational thought, successfully identifying propaganda, freedom of choice, loss of hatred, anti-narcisistic behavior, and love of democracy.

"'I used to blindly hate whoever my party was running against. I didn't care about facts or policy, because I was hopelessly indoctrinated. with independence, I'm much more interested in policies that uphold democracy and I truly care about the health of our country and its citizens.

"ask your doctor if independence is right for you! and enjoy your freedoms once again."


Anonymous said...

The anti-White media's hatred for Trump has coalesced about 45% of the country into an emotional cult of maniacs against him. It's "about 45%" today,but msm is still attempting to push that number higher,in spite of a heroic response by P.T. to the assassination attempt in Pennsylvania. That SHOULD have clinched the election,but P.T's near death experience has been dropped by media as a topic of conversation,even though it showed the courage and inner strength of President Trump--qualities,I consider hugely important for a President(plus a sense of humor).

Women will never vote for him,blacks and mex will go for harris and that's the ballgame.

Hope I'm wrong.


Anonymous said...

Last time I checked my wife is a woman (and an immigrant) and is a confirmed Trump voter--she voted for him in 2016, 2020, and will vote for him again.

Anonymous said...

40 million more like her and he has a chance.