Friday, August 30, 2024

What is worse? A drunken (and getting more drunk), washed-up Sigourney Weaver getting weepy about fake vice president Kamala Harris, or the weepy comments? (brief video)

Re-posted by N.S.

"56,364 views aug 28, 2024 #kamalaharris #news #sigourneyweaver
"at a press conference in venice, Sigourney Weaver got emotional thinking the impact of her work on women, and the rise of U.S. vice president Kamala Harris."

When Kamala Harris ran for the communist-racial socialist presidential nomination in 2020, she got virtually no support (1%). She only got into the white house through The Big Steal. But if all you knew was Weaver's drunken blather, and that of her communist-racial socialist fans at youtube, you'd think she was the people's choice. If she "wins" this year, it will only be courtesy of Big Steal II. It would be the equivalent of an appointment, rather than an election, not unlike the way the same imbecile "passed" the bar exam.

And what sort of host passes a bottle of vodka, and opens it up for someone who's already so drunk that she can no longer open it on her own?


Anonymous said...

If you recall,that was the same assertion made about biden in 2020--a total loser in presidential races(5% tops)--but after Clyburn rallied the nigs in South Carolina's primary to vote for biden,the dem machine(and Dominion)pushed him right into the White House.

This year,the country wants an unknown negress instead of the known White guy.It's called "national suicide".


Anonymous said...

One of the few actresses from recent times that I actually liked- and she was HOT! Alas, I read something about her several years ago that showed her to be just another Hollywood airhead. Her father was a TV pioneer, president of NBC in the early 50s, where he developed the TODAY show among other things. He was a typical elitist snob of that time- hated the concept of regular series programming, wanted to "elevate" the taste of the masses, thought live shows and "specials" were what TV was all about. He once said his idea of an ideal and exciting TV program would be a bridge tournament broadcast live from Peru! I wonder what he thought of his daughter's career (he only expired in 2002), and what TV has become...


Anonymous said...

There's a physical resemblence between Weaver and Harris--not good for SOMEONE--because they're at least 10 years apart on age. Supposedly harris is quite the drinker(as is Weaver)too.No inside info about Sigourney's fellating abilities or proclivities.