Tuesday, August 27, 2024

"US research into bioweapons targeting slavs underway since at least the 1990s"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
tuesday, august 27, 2024 at 10:18:26 p.m. edt

"US research into bioweapons targeting slavs underway since at least the 1990s: expert"


"US research into bioweapons targeting slavs underway since at least the 1990s: expert"

"damning new details regarding the US military's efforts to create ethnically-selective virus strains in the ukraine have been presented by russia's radiological, chemical and biological defense troops. the new information is further evidence of an international criminal conspiracy going back decades, experts tell sputnik."


Told you so a long, long time ago.

dna specific.

the ultimate precision-strike weapon.

Why do you think civilian employees of the Lugar lab in tbilisi have diplomatic immunity?

Civilian employees.

Not members of the diplomatic corps.

It's because those with diplomatic immunity can safely and securely smuggle dna samples out of bulgaria.

It's because diplomatic mail pouches cannot be searched by the host country.

This country is run by sociopaths.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would I be wrong to assume that the bio weapons will be targeting blacks and mex? Or does that make too much sense?