Sunday, August 25, 2024

food truck murder

By A Texas Reader
sunday, august 25, 2024 at 09:34:01 p.m. edt

"officials reported that three men approached a food truck, asking [b.s.] for $20. a man waiting by the food truck said he would get the money, but police say that he went to the nearby apartments and returned with a gun and pointed it at the three men. the men..."

abc 13 should rewrite the headline: 3 niggers shoot a mexican wetback in cold blood.

There, I fixed the headline.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In black law,that's self defense.
Chapter 2:14,
"If a black or blacks attempt to rob an unarmed man,but during the course of the robbery,the unarmed man brings out a shooting weapon,he may be shot dead--with no consequences for the black(s)."