Friday, August 30, 2024

Quick fact: The President’s Wall would have cost $5 billion; U.S. taxpayers spent $150 billion in 2023, to cover just one year of illegal invaders’ expenses; yet democrats have for years complained that a wall would be too expensive

[“employers attempt to skirt liability for hiring illegal aliens by using staffing agencies.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
friday, august 30, 2024 at 12:52:00 p.m. edt

“(zh) in 2023, roughly $150 billion in US taxpayer money was doled out for government services and support to help the 20 million illegals (GRA: undercounted) in the country, according to a study from the federation for American immigration reform (fair).


The number of illegal human beings on “American soil” is closer to 100 million.

[“The Myth of the 11 Million: Already in 2014, an Old Immigration Hand Estimated that there were 50 Million Illegals in the U.S.!”]


Anonymous said...

End asylum...that would cost nothing. Stop handing out freebies to anybody that crosses the border. Wouldn't even need a wall.

Anonymous said...

Congress is too effed up with commies,otherwise,they'd have done it already.