Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Craig Price Story: Part II

Craig Price’s murder victims, at least those of whom we know (from left to right: Rebecca Spencer, Joan Heaton, Jennifer Heaton and Melissa Heaton).

[“Who is Craig Price? His name ought to be one of the most notorious in America, and yet, hardly anyone has heard of him!”]

By Jerry PDX
sunday, august 25, 2024 at 9:26:00 p.m. edt

The most prolific serial killer ever in the U.S. is a black man named Samuel Little. Three out of four of the most prolific ever are black men. Around 40-50% of historical serial killers in the U.S. are black men. In the last three decades 75% are black men. Along with that, the youngest serial killer ever was a 13-year-old black boy, now a black man. What is even more frightening is that the laws in Rhode island required him to be released at 18, even after murdering two women and two little girls. However, he committed violent acts while incarcerated and he was sentenced to more time.

People worked to change the laws to make sure he stayed in prison for the rest of his life. Even Bill Clinton, to his credit, got into it, using his influence to help keep Price behind bars.

Price played the race card, claiming he murdered Rebecca Spencer due to rage he felt at her brother Carl calling him the n-word on the street one day. No evidence was found supporting his claim, but I have no doubt there were plenty who believed his lie. He never explained why he murdered Rebecca, instead of the man who allegedly called him the n-word.

Diana Ross once stated something like this: “blacks always end up on top in show biz and sports because we all got rhythm.” She forgot to mention how blacks always end up at the top of the serial killer lists. Mass shooters, also.

N.S.: Whites who “believe” blacks who claim to have committed heinous crimes in response to Whites saying the n-word, are as evil as the black criminals. It’s not that they “believe” the racist black criminals, it’s that they support them. Thus, they are accessories after the fact.

Craig Price yucking it up in court.png


Anonymous said...

Just need some creative disreporting to turn this into "The Price is White".

Anonymous said...

Is there any serial killer record blacks won't break?