Thursday, August 29, 2024

Get your fresh, hot, new Emmitt Till hoax!

By Nicholas Stix

Every couple of years someone comes up with a new Emmitt Till Hoax.

Back in 2017, fake historian Timothy Tyson’s book, The Blood of Emmitt Till, was published. Its hoax was Tyson’s assertion that Carolyn Bryant (Donham), from whom Till had demanded sex and put his hands on, had recanted her courtroom testimony to Tyson in an interview. (Mrs. Donham’s family denied she’d ever recanted her trial testimony.)

Although Tyson is a Duke professor, he deposited the tape recording of his interview with Mrs. Donham in the unC archives.

However, unC made an official statement, declaring there was no recantation on the tape.

Tyson had already gotten the book deal, which was one of the reasons why he’d lied. He had two purposes in foisting his hoax on the world:

1. Defraud a publishing house out of hundreds of thousands of dollars; and

2. Get Mrs. Donham lynched.

Tyson had priors. Back in 2006, he was a member of the Gang of 88, Duke professors who supported the Duke rape hoax. Back then, Tyson and the other 87 sought to railroad three innocent young White men into prison, so that racist black thugs could gang-rape and murder them, for a crime that had never been committed.

Three years ago, a black supremacist “civil rights lawyer,” Jill Collen Jefferson, promoted a version of the Till hoax, also in order to get Mrs. Donham lynched.

Mrs. Donham has since died of natural causes at 88 (April 25, 2023).

A reader of Steve Sailer’s old blog suggested that the current motivation is because it’s an election year.

The black supremacist Mississippi Free Press has published at least two Emmitt Till Hoaxes, and likely numerous more.

(Actually, in response to a Steve Sailer reader who argued that there have been no more lynchings since 1964, there have been tens of thousands of lynchings since 1964, but they were almost all black-on-White. The other reader was talking about White-on-black lynchings.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

New synonym:


All in favor,say aye.
All opposed,nay

The ayes have it.