Saturday, August 31, 2024

Are White “liberals” disguised devil worshipers? (photos)

A scene of liberals, er, devil worshipers, from Rosemary's Baby (1968)

saturday, august 31, 2024 at 1:02:00 p.m. edt

Here’s a gem from VDARE, back when they had something worthwhile to offer:



Anonymous said...

That theory is repeatedly discussed on zh. SOMETHING is awry in our cities.

Anonymous said...

I am the "Berkeley reader" who submitted that letter to VDare. Things have not gotten any better in the years since they published it. At a recent neighborhood meeting I attend about an entirely different issue, the discussion segued into politics (of course), with everyone enthusiastically announcing their support for Kamala Harris.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the typo; "attend" should be "attended." (As "Anonymous" I can't edit my comments.)