Saturday, August 31, 2024

Explaining racial differences

[“New Book on Race Only Gets Two Topics Wrong.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, may 23, 2018 at 1:25:00 a.m. edt

When academia tries to explain black behavior (or lack of it),two different trains of thought materialize:

1) The attempt to analyze blacks, reminds me of Johnny Carson talking to Mel Brooks, on The Tonight Show—and asking Mr. Brooks about comedy: “What makes comedy funny?”

Mel replied, “You can’t explain it, it’s just the way it is. It’s either funny, or it isn’t.”

He then stuck his tongue out and pulled the sides of his mouth apart and the audience laughed. Funny.

I’ve noticed, in the last 20 years or so, blacks love it when Whites try to figure them out. But there’s nothing to figure.

Just two days ago, I was at a restaurant that hired the first black I’ve ever seen work there in 20 years. He was a drug addict in a program that got him a job as a cook. I’d noticed he had worked there about three weeks, but two days ago he was bussing tables. I asked another employee about him.

“He couldn’t handle being a cook, couldn’t do the job, wasn’t fast enough.” This, in spite of three others working alongside him—all doing their part—all of them White. All he had to do was cook eggs, and he was incapable. It is what it is.

The second train of thought involves the academic being an observer and not a participant in understanding the black/White chasm. Most blacks in most cities have two goals in mind—ruin Whitey’s life—and ruin their own. If you’ve never lived near them, you might never understand those facts—and you’d write a misguided/fictional book called Reckoning with Race.

The author writes about blacks and schooling. I’ve seen the gr school district bring blacks into highly-rated, all-White schools, as an experiment to see if a great school could raise up black learning—similar to Lazarus. Instead, the schools’ test scores plummeted and the experiment was abandoned.

Every school in the district is tested annually on math and english skills.

Predominantly black schools in our area, tested under 50, on a scale of 0-100, while all-White schools tested mostly 85 to 95. These scores used to be published in our local paper--I'd read them and laugh out loud at the results.

Academia thinks blacks need to live with Whites, so that Whites can show them the way. I prefer the liberia/Santo Domingo option myself.

--GR Anonymous

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, may 23, 2018 at 9:05:00 a.m. edt

One more point. Whites seem to get dragged down to the blacks’ level much more often than the opposite (blacks imitating Whites) occurring. The name "whigger" was aptly created for Whites (women, mostly) that imitated and acted like blacks. I've seen that persona in person and many times on tv trash talk shows like Springer--they're lost causes. The results of the black population mixing with Whites (the ones who don't move) cannot be termed a success, as far as black behavior is concerned.

Back in the day, Richard Pryor had a routine, making fun of how Whites sounded when they talked. Since then, and even today, no White comic that I know of, has taken that idea and slammed blacks for how THEY speak. It would be hilarious.

---GR Anonymous


Anonymous said...

For some reason,I feel 6 years younger reading this.


Nicholas said...

Thanks for the laugh, GRA! I found this essay of yours, and thought that I must have published it at the time, but couldn't find it with the search function. Then again, a few days ago, I tried the same thing with that item of mine, "Now, They're Simply 'Laborers." It also didn't didn't show up, and I ended up re-posting it for the second time in six days ("summer re-runs"). The search function has not been terribly reliable of late.

Anonymous said...

When I lived in Manhattan, and I'd visit the Mid-Manhattan Library, the blacks working the checkout were so slow that the line would be going out the door. The amazing thing is that the backup didn't change their tempo at all- they moved as if swimming underwater. Eventually the manager- white, of course- would take over, and the line would be gone in minutes! Same thing when cashing a check at the bank- a real joy when you're on lunch break from work and have to get back in a hurry!