Tuesday, August 27, 2024

ajc seeks to mislead readers that popular new law its bosses hate, requiring local lawmen to cooperate with feds regarding illegal aliens ("undocumented") is not popular ("controversial")

By A Texas Reader
tuesday, august 27, 2024 at 11:09:07 p.m. edt

"on a tuesday morning in january almost four years ago, the notes of a mariachi band rang through the Cobb county jail. new democratic sheriffs taking over from republicans in Cobb and gwinnett counties were celebrating the end of partnerships with U.S...."


"new immigration law leaves undocumented [sic] worried until november election

"last month, Georgia's controversial [sic] new immigration law, house bill 1105, took effect, requiring all 159 county sheriffs in Georgia to apply for 287(g).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never fear,wetbacks,it's mexico south of Nebraska.