Saturday, August 31, 2024

would you agree that he might have "impulse control issues"? meet Victor Bradford; on second thought, don't meet him; he's always strapped, always looking to start arguments, and always looking to kill the stranger he's arguing with (photos)

Victor Bradford, 30, and one of his victims, Jacquez Stevenson, who was also 30; there are surely countless other victims of Bradford, both dead and alive

By "W"
friday, august 30, 2024 at 10:18:48 a.m. edt

would you agree that he might have "impulse control issues"?


Anonymous said...

"Impulse control issues" = drug use. But as I've complained often, NO ONE wants to raise that issue. We are a nation of addicts.
My observation of pot smokers (and I've encountered multitudes of them): classic passive-aggressive syndrome, laid-back sometimes to the point of catatonia, but if you cross them, they'll turn violent in an instant. I've read excellent biographies of Robert Mitchum and Steve McQueen, both heavy stoners, and they fit the bill to a T- both "cool" guys who were physically violent upon provocation, especially towards women. (Personally, I loved McQueen as an actor, hated Mitchum unless he was playing an anti-hero or outright villain). McQueen ended up labelled "the most hated man in Hollywood" due to his ill behavior. Mitchum got a pass somehow.


Anonymous said...

I've talked for years that drug dealers should be executed. They kill--whether it's a quick overdose or a long drawn out addiction.


Anonymous said...

Might as well toss this in, it's an observation that was rejected by Breitbart when I tried to post it there some months ago:

The demonization of tobacco in the late 1960s (not that I'm in favor of cigarette smoking!) wasn't done out of altruism, it was done in order to transform us into a marijuana culture. The goal was to get whites to think and behave like blacks, which they have for the most part succeeded in doing.


Anonymous said...

When you become a drug addict,you don't care about laws,your neighborhood or yourself. In that scenario,there is personal anarchy. If many people become drug addicts,you wind up with cities like chicago,baltimore,houston and nyc--etal. Funny,how once the blacks took over neighborhoods and cities,everything disintegrated.