Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Isn’t the department of homeland security supposed to, our country? Why is it responsible for distributing 100’s of millions to sanctuary cities to resettle alien invaders?

By Jerry PDX
wednesday, august 28, 2024 at 9:34:00 p.m. edt

Isn’t the department of homeland security supposed to our country? Why is it responsible for distributing 100’s of millions to sanctuary cities to resettle alien invaders? Check out the comments, they pretty much say it all:|27817114|Biden-Harris%20Slush%20Fund%3A%20DHS%20Showers%20Millions%20on%20Sanctuary%20Cities%2C%20NGOs%20for%20Resettling%20Migrants%20in%20U.S.|

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(Breitbart)ROME — Immigration laws should not be made stricter but rather looser, to allow more immigrants to cross international borders, Pope Francis said Wednesday.

GRA:They must have all "converted" to Catholic.
