Saturday, August 31, 2024

remember this atrocity? ucla coed murdered while tending store; trial of her congoid killer just started (three videos)

By "W"
friday, august 30, 2024 at 12:29:20 p.m. edt

remember this atrocity? ucla coed murdered while tending store

trial of her congoid killer just started:

abc news:


nbcla describes the accused killer as "a homeless man" BS


Anonymous said...

Homeless no more. Prison beckons--paid for by Whitey.


David In TN said...

It would be a good idea to give the name of the victim. She was Brianna Kupfer. The NBC outlet gave the usual buzzwords--"Random, randomly targeted." Random was used three times. The suspect went into several stores before and after the killing. He "randomly" picked a young White woman to kill.

Anonymous said...

"went into several stores..."

Sometimes it's hard to find a White person when you want to kill one..."