Sunday, August 11, 2024

nyc police person has a "long road to recovery" after a colored criminal slugged her while she was impersonating a policeman; other police impersonators beat up the mope (photos)

Crime victim (not to be confused with a policeman) Mary Fay; she's the one with the bloody nose. So, she's a bleeder, too. And she'll stiff nyc taxpayers for a fortune on disability.

By N.S.

"female nypd cop has 'long road to recovery' after being struck by parolee during wild brawl: union boss"

"the female nypd officer who was slugged in the face by a repeat offender in a wild, caught-on-camera attack has a 'long road to recovery ahead,' police union officials said."

N.S.: Why did the post sit on this story for nine days?

Ernst Delma, 41. The affirmative action cops must have done a number on him. (The other "White" cops are all hispanic). Did an emt perform amateur, battlefield stitches on him?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Adams had a twin brother.