Sunday, August 11, 2024

"illinois public school food service director for an impoverished, chicago-area district" stole $1.5 million in chicken wings... but that's only the tip of the iceberg in a black-dominated, rule-of-crime city

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat and Nicholas Stix
saturday, august 10, 2024 at 09:24:44 p.m. edt

"A former illinois public school food service director for an impoverished [translation: black and hispanic], chicago-area district has been sentenced to nine years in prison after stealing $1.5 million in chicken wings from the county. So, who stole the collard greens?

The item says, "Vera Liddell, 66, worked for Harvey school district 152 for over a decade." Liddell never worked for Harvey school district. Vera worked for Vera.

N.S.: There is so much missing from this story. Above all, who were Liddell's accomplices?

wgn reports,

“'The food was never brought to the school or provided to the students,' reads the proffer.

“district funds were used to pay for the food, according to prosecutors, who did not reveal what became of the chicken wings.

“the scheme was uncovered by the district’s business manager during a routine mid-year audit. the manager found the district was $300,000 over its annual food service budget despite only being halfway through the school year, according to prosecutors.

“'she discovered individual invoices signed by Liddell for massive quantities of chicken wings, an item that was never served to students because they contain bones, prosecutors said.”

This was a criminal conspiracy, involving Vera Liddell, the other criminals, whom she sold the chicken wings (restaurant owners, criminals holding huge, illegal parties, in defiance of the lockdown, et al.), and the prosecutors (Cook county state's attorney Kim Foxx) and police who covered it up.

Another thing: the black-dominated Harvey police department has a long history of racist corruption. Back in 2007, reports detailed that the Harvey police department had sat on over 200 rape kits for many years, without ever sending out the samples for testing.

The media and politicians produced a cover story, whereby the problem had been money, a problem which had been solved with an infusion of cash from who-knows-where. However, that was a lie. Money had never been the issue. Otherwise, Harvey officials would have have complained from the get-go, rather than waiting until they'd been caught. The problems were racial laziness and corruption. The black Harvey cops were too lazy to do their jobs, and they were criminal accessories after the fact to the rapists, who would have been overwhelmingly black.

We never learned that the rape kits had been tested, and that any of the perps had been arrested and tried, which likely means the Harvey police officials again took the money and ran.

According to the census bureau, Havrey, illinois is virtually White-free, with only 591 non-hispanic Whites (2.9%) out of 20,324 residents, according to the 2020 census. Conversely, those who called themselves "black alone" (12,871) constitute 63.3% of the population. Note that that number does not includee those who enjoy affirmative action status by being part black.

Of the 20,324 residents, "hispanic or latino (of any race) in Harvey city, illinois" constitute 6,040 (29.7%), and are thus all eligible for affirmative action.

In 2012, a woman sued the city of Harvey in federal court, over its history of refusing to test rape kits.

"city accused of conspiring against rape victims
By Jack Bouboushian / march 23, 2012
courthouse news

"chicago (cn) - a federal class action claims the city of Harvey failed to submit more than 200 sexual assault kits for testing, evidence and preservation, and that the city's conspiracy against women was discovered when the fbi raided the Harvey police department and found hundreds of untested rape kits.

"Jane Doe filed the class action against the city of Harvey and its police commander Andrew Joshua.

"Harvey, pop. 30,000, is about 20 miles south of chicago.

"Doe claims the defendants conspired to spoliate evidence, deny rape victims due process and equal protection, violated the illinois domestic violence [sic], and that the 'willful and wanton' abuses were motivated by gender discrimination.

[N.S.: It's called "going down with crime," a tradition founded by the philadelphia pd. You depress the rape numbers, in order to depress crime numbers in general.] ""defendants have a history of discriminating against females,' the complaint states. defendants treat domestic violence abuse reports from women with less priority than other crimes not involving women reporting domestic violence abuse.

"Doe says she was sexually assaulted on may 24, 2007, when she was a minor, by a man named Dunbar.

"the complaint states: 'that same day, may 24, 2007, Jane Doe was taken to Ingalls memorial hospital for treatment. while at Ingalls memorial hospital, medical personnel took body fluid samples from Jane Doe and placed them into an illinois state police sexual assault evidence kit.

"'an officer from the Harvey police department transported the kit to the Harvey police department to be placed into evidence.

"'on information and belief, commander Andrew Joshua was notified of the allegations against Dunbar.

"'on june 15, 2007, the Harvey police department arrested Dunbar as a suspect wanted for criminal sexual assault. later that day, the Harvey police released Dunbar without charge, pending the results of the sexual assault evidence kit.

"'defendants never submitted the illinois state police sexual assault evidence kit for testing.

"'the city of Harvey had the police, practice and/or custom of failing to submit sexual assault evidence kits for testing.

"'a) over 200 sexual assault evidence kits went untested for years;

"'b) the illinois state police and/or fbi seized the Harvey sexual assault evidence kits during a raid on the police department;

"'c) approximately 50 of the 200 sexual assault evidence kits were viable for scientific testing when discovered by the illinois state police and fbi;

"'d) as of 2011, 14 people were charged with crimes in 21 sexual assaults from the kits seized, including Dunbar;

"'e) a disproportionate number of the victims of were women."

"in an interview with courthouse news, Doe's attorney Yao Dinizulu said: 'some of the rape kits are not viable, probably because of age, so we think that in all likelihood, this has been going on for over 10 years. the reason why we know that is that the first lawsuit we filed, that particular victim's rape kit was done in 1997 and nothing happened with it.

"the complaint states: 'on information and belief, the failure to submit sexual assault evidence kits for testing, the failure to investigate crimes of sexual assault, and the failure to notify the department of child and family services, were consistent with an institutional practice of the city of Harvey police department, which was known to and ratified by defendant Andrew Joshua and the city of Harvey, the defendants having failed to take any effective action to prevent city of Harvey police personnel from continuing to engage in such misconduct.'"

It was a fluke that the fbi, etc. even found the rape kits. Investigators had raided the Harvey pd in late 2006 or early 2007, due to a series of murders, several of them gang murders, that the department had refused to investigate. It was then that the investigators saw the rape kits strewn all over the basement. The kits were supposed to be refrigerated, and sent out almost immediately, a process which one source claimed took all of two minutes. Instead, the cops ignored the kits. The refrigerator that was supposed to store them had broken down years earlier.

"Jane Doe" settled with Harvey in 2015. It is not clear how much she got in the settlment, or whether other victims settled. As far as I know, state and federal law enforcement and prosecutors never did anything about the corrupt Harvey pd.


Anonymous said...

Harvey lost 10,000--WHITES,I assume--in 11 years.

There's a lesson there,somewhere.


Anonymous said...

Sweet little old lunch lady Vera still plans to work as an volunteer on election night. Volunteers are needed to process the anticipated heavy load of mail-in ballots because absentee voters are extremely excited and motivated by the Harris-Walz ticket.