Saturday, August 31, 2024

Explaining racial differences

[“New Book on Race Only Gets Two Topics Wrong.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, may 23, 2018 at 1:25:00 a.m. edt

When academia tries to explain black behavior (or lack of it),two different trains of thought materialize:

1) The attempt to analyze blacks, reminds me of Johnny Carson talking to Mel Brooks, on The Tonight Show—and asking Mr. Brooks about comedy: “What makes comedy funny?”

Mel replied, “You can’t explain it, it’s just the way it is. It’s either funny, or it isn’t.”

He then stuck his tongue out and pulled the sides of his mouth apart and the audience laughed. Funny.

I’ve noticed, in the last 20 years or so, blacks love it when Whites try to figure them out. But there’s nothing to figure.

Just two days ago, I was at a restaurant that hired the first black I’ve ever seen work there in 20 years. He was a drug addict in a program that got him a job as a cook. I’d noticed he had worked there about three weeks, but two days ago he was bussing tables. I asked another employee about him.

“He couldn’t handle being a cook, couldn’t do the job, wasn’t fast enough.” This, in spite of three others working alongside him—all doing their part—all of them White. All he had to do was cook eggs, and he was incapable. It is what it is.

The second train of thought involves the academic being an observer and not a participant in understanding the black/White chasm. Most blacks in most cities have two goals in mind—ruin Whitey’s life—and ruin their own. If you’ve never lived near them, you might never understand those facts—and you’d write a misguided/fictional book called Reckoning with Race.

The author writes about blacks and schooling. I’ve seen the gr school district bring blacks into highly-rated, all-White schools, as an experiment to see if a great school could raise up black learning—similar to Lazarus. Instead, the schools’ test scores plummeted and the experiment was abandoned.

Every school in the district is tested annually on math and english skills.

Predominantly black schools in our area, tested under 50, on a scale of 0-100, while all-White schools tested mostly 85 to 95. These scores used to be published in our local paper--I'd read them and laugh out loud at the results.

Academia thinks blacks need to live with Whites, so that Whites can show them the way. I prefer the liberia/Santo Domingo option myself.

--GR Anonymous

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, may 23, 2018 at 9:05:00 a.m. edt

One more point. Whites seem to get dragged down to the blacks’ level much more often than the opposite (blacks imitating Whites) occurring. The name "whigger" was aptly created for Whites (women, mostly) that imitated and acted like blacks. I've seen that persona in person and many times on tv trash talk shows like Springer--they're lost causes. The results of the black population mixing with Whites (the ones who don't move) cannot be termed a success, as far as black behavior is concerned.

Back in the day, Richard Pryor had a routine, making fun of how Whites sounded when they talked. Since then, and even today, no White comic that I know of, has taken that idea and slammed blacks for how THEY speak. It would be hilarious.

---GR Anonymous

germany sends thousands of illegal invaders to...poland!?

[“mexican drug lord Osiel Cardenas Guillen has been released from a US prison and may be deported.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, august 31, 2024 at 12:22:00 p.m. edt

GRA: Remember a month or so ago, reports were that poland was placing border guards to prevent this from happening? I said, “poland voted in pro-illegal politicians, so I have my doubts.”

Your witness.

“(zh) thousands of illegal migrants [sic] have been deported from germany to poland, according to recent reports. Aleksandra Fedorska, a journalist for independent radio wnet, revealed that as of the end of june, 3,140 people had been expelled from germany’s Brandenburg region alone.”


“killing of dallas police officer took place in a safe, almost sacred space, in oak cliff”: What is wrong with this title?

murdered dallas cop Darron Burks was killed in a targeted murder which his killer had planned out days before

By A Texas Reader
sat, aug 31 at 8:51 a.m.

From the dallas morning news: “killing of dallas police officer took place in a safe, almost sacred space, in oak cliff”

More left-wing lunacy, but I repeat myself, courtesy of dolt Sharon Grigsby.

She is always breathless when it comes to knee grows and mexicans.

Like the late Larry Auster said:

“blacks are sacralized in this country.” By the way, the deceased cop was an alumnus of Paul Quinn college (sic).

A hysterically black college (sic).

Oh, and the obligatory “violence disrupters.”

It’s impossible to lampoon blacks.

And it’s impossible to lampoon clowns like Sharon Grigsby.

N.S.: Note that the black non-profit Sharon Grigsby lionizes squeezes White taxpayers for millions of dollars.

Sharon Grigsby

cop-killer Corey Cobb-Bey

Are White “liberals” disguised devil worshipers? (photos)

A scene of liberals, er, devil worshipers, from Rosemary's Baby (1968)

saturday, august 31, 2024 at 1:02:00 p.m. edt

Here’s a gem from VDARE, back when they had something worthwhile to offer:


msm have campaigned to diminish the significance of the obviously racially motivated, black-on-White murder of beautiful, highly intelligent Brianna Kupfer by Shawn Laval Smith with weasel words, outright lies (“random”), and by reducing the number of times he stabbed her (photos)

War crime victim Brianna Kupfer

[“Remember this atrocity? ucla coed murdered while tending store; trial of her congoid killer just started (three videos).”]

By David in TN
saturday, august 31, 2024 at 9:53:00 p.m. edt

“a trial began thursday in the 2022 killing of a ucla student who was fatally stabbed while working inside a furniture store in Hancock park.”

It would be a good idea to give the name of the victim. She was Brianna Kupfer. The nbc outlet gave the usual buzzwords—“random, randomly targeted.” “Random” was used three times. The perp went into several stores before and after the killing. He “randomly” picked a young White woman to kill.

“Brianna Kupfer, who was a 24-year-old at the time of her death, was stabbed nearly a dozen times on jan. 13, 2022 during her shift inside the Croft house furniture store on la brea Avenue near Beverly boulevard.

“the suspected killer, Shawn Laval Smith, is charged with murdering the ucla graduate student in what appeared to be an unprovoked attack with nothing taken from the store.

[N.S.: It’s bad enough that the media adopted the practice several years ago of calling heinous crimes by blacks “unprovoked attacks.” And what would constitute a “provoked attack”? But in this case, nbc operative Helen Jeong further qualified the crime as having “appeared to be an unprovoked attack.” Thus, according to Helen Jeong, maybe Brianna Kupfer was responsible for her own murder.]

“in an opening statement, prosecution argued Smith was on ‘a hunt to kill a vulnerable woman who was alone and secluded,’ saying the suspect had recorded his thoughts on a recorder, expressing his desire to ‘kill women.’”

[N.S.: No. Smith was on a hunt to kill a vulnerable White woman.]

“‘just 18 days before he found and slaughtered Brianna, the defendant recorded himself talking about the most vile, disgusting and grotesque thoughts about women,’ los angeles county prosecutor Habib Balian said.”

N.S.: Reports at the time stated that Brianna Kupfer’s killer had stabbed her 46 times, but now have reduced the number of stabbings variously to 26 (Fox), or even “nearly a dozen times” (nbc).

As David in TN has noted many times, the authorities always sit on these war crime trials for a couple of years, hoping for the public to forget the crime, before trying the war criminal, whom they routinely shield from justice.

many of the mug shots of war criminal Shawn Laval Smith

"how albino cameroonians face brutality because of their skin color"

By R.C.

saturday, august 31, 2024 at 09:33:02 a.m. edt

"how albino cameroonians face brutality because of their skin colour"

"Kamala Harris has 'no regrets' over gaslighting the American people about Biden's decrepitude"

among illegal aliens in california, the "American dream" is stronger than ever!

Via Tucker Carlson

"bill offering $150,000 to help illegals buy homes gets sent to Gavin Newsom's desk"

"a bill passed by the california state legislature would make some illegal immigrants eligible for up to $150,000 in cash assistance to buy homes through the california dream for all program.

"the bill, ab 1840, has been sent to governor Gavin Newsom's desk for consideration.

"supporters argue that eligible illegal immigrants are taxpayers who should have access to the program, while opponents believe resources should prioritize American citizens.

"economists warn that providing housing subsidies without increasing housing supply could raise prices for everyone.

"governor Newsom has until september 30 to sign or veto the bill, and his office has not commented on pending legislation.

"the bill comes amid california's ongoing housing shortage, despite Newsom's 2017 campaign promise to build 3.5 million new homes by 2035.

"eligible illegal immigrants"?! "taxpayers"?!

N.S.: An alien whose very presence on American soil is a crime, cannot possibly be eligible. As for them being "taxpayers," that's just another lie. Supporters of illegal human beings seize upon acts such as paying sales tax to say the illegals are "taxpayers." They are not taxpayers, they are guilty of tax evasion. They do not pay income tax, and they routinely defraud the American citizen taxpayer of billions of dollars in earned income tax credits.

poll: the American dream is dead (except among illegal aliens)

Via Tucker Carlson

"poll: majority of Americans say the American dream is dead"

"a new wall street journal/norc poll found that only about one-third of U.S. adults believe the American dream is still alive.

"the survey shows a growing gap between people's economic goals and what they believe is attainable, especially among younger generations.

"only 10% of respondents believe becoming a homeowner is 'easy or somewhat easy,' despite 89% viewing it as essential or important.

"home prices have reached an all-time high, with U.S. home prices up more than 1,000 percent since 1974.

"real estate investors bought 26.1% of low-priced U.S. homes in the fourth quarter, contributing to the housing crisis...."

would you agree that he might have "impulse control issues"? meet Victor Bradford; on second thought, don't meet him; he's always strapped, always looking to start arguments, and always looking to kill the stranger he's arguing with (photos)

Victor Bradford, 30, and one of his victims, Jacquez Stevenson, who was also 30; there are surely countless other victims of Bradford, both dead and alive

By "W"
friday, august 30, 2024 at 10:18:48 a.m. edt

would you agree that he might have "impulse control issues"?

driver going the wrong way down the street in nyc (not to be confused with "nyc driver," Keith Poole!) hit an off-dutry cop, who followed him, before the first driver killed a man who was supposed to get married the next day; nys criminal general general Letitia James seeks to hang it all on the cop!

By N.S.

"wrong-way nyc driver hit off-duty cop before killing groom-to-be in horrific crash: police sources"

"a wrong-way driver first struck an off-duty nypd officer before fatally plowing into groom-to-be Kirk Walker, law enforcement sources said."

md crime watch: 12-year-old breaks into car dealerships

By "W"
friday, august 30, 2024 at 10:10:24 a.m. edt

md crime watch: 12-year-old breaks into car dealerships

no details about him. I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't another "one" who should have been aborted in an act of preemptive capital punishment.

how elites try to sell haiti as an "opportunity"

By "W"
friday, august 30, 2024 at 01:12:17 a.m. edt

how elites try to sell haiti as an "opportunity"

No race-realist can doubt what are the causes of haiti's unending problems. haiti should be allowed to self-liquidate. let the dusky population look after themselves, including feeding themselves.

and we should prohibit the white do-gooders from intervening.

“In late july, U.S. ambassador to the united nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield visited haiti and sounded an upbeat note. 'I do have a sense of hope,' she said at a press conference, citing the 'many people here on the ground' who were 'working every day to create a better future for the haitian people.' she was referring, in part, to the roughly 400 kenyan police officers who have arrived in port-au-prince as part of an international peacekeeping force that is eventually projected to number 2,500. the hope is that this un security council–approved mission—formally referred to as the multinational security support mission (mss)—will allow haiti to assert control over the country’s gangs, which have established de facto control over much of the capital’s neighborhoods and plunged the country into a dramatic humanitarian crisis. 'this mission has opened a door to progress,' Thomas-Greenfield said.”

N.S. Translation: “In late july, U.S. ambassador to the united nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield visited haiti and sounded an upbeat note. 'I do have a sense of hope.' the un has imported 400 uniformed, kenyan rapists, and I see a new opportunity to rape the hard-working, law-abiding, White American taxpayer out of billions of dollars, which we haven't done for several years, where haiti is concerned. If only we could do this every year!”

"netflix star dead at 41"

Julian Ortega

By "W"

"netflix star dead at 41"

"Julian Ortega, best known for his role on the netflix tv show elite, died at age 41.

As they mention in comments, he was likely forced to get the fouci-jab in order to work.

N.S.: The post gave a sex change operation to his mother: "Ortega’s mother, Gloria Munoz, is also an actor."

Cumberland, Md offering $20,000 to move there

By "W"
thursday, august 29, 2024 at 08:43:18 a.m. edt

Cumberland, Md offering $20,000 to move there

oddly enough, it is reportedly 88% White. 4% black. less than 1% asian. 6% multi-racial

"would-be robber fatally shot by restaurant employee in capitol heights"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
friday, august 30, 2024 at 08:55:41 a.m. edt

"would-be robber fatally shot by restaurant employee in capitol heights, sources say"

Not too far from the high school I attended.

remember this atrocity? ucla coed murdered while tending store; trial of her congoid killer just started (three videos)

By "W"
friday, august 30, 2024 at 12:29:20 p.m. edt

remember this atrocity? ucla coed murdered while tending store

trial of her congoid killer just started:

abc news:


nbcla describes the accused killer as "a homeless man" BS

Friday, August 30, 2024

deep state trolls are snooping on Americans

“Rutgers ad being investigated for alleged 'inappropriate' relationship"

ex-Rutgers ad being investigated for alleged 'inappropriate' relationship after shock [sic] resignation Former Rutgers athletic director Pat Hobbs is reportedly under investigation for a possible “inappropriate, consensual relationship."

mexican drug lord Osiel Cárdenas Guillén has been released from a US prison and may be deported

By A Texas Reader
friday, august 30, 2024 at 10:40:20 p.m. edt

mexican drug lord Osiel Cárdenas Guillén has been released from a US prison and may be deported

Was he doing the job that Americans won’t do?

chicago: shootout during filming of a rap video

By R.C.
friday, august 30, 2024 at 11:00:06 p.m. edt

chicago: shootout breaks out during filming of a rap video.

Sailer's law.


media operatives have been speaking to vain, White American women who were total strangers to south asian woman presumed to have been murdered by her husband, who completely "identify" with her, and have even driven from out-of-state to pay their respects; the same women feel nothing for White American women victimized by blacks and illegal aliens

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
friday, august 30, 2024 at 11:09:21 p.m. edt

"7news is also learning another family lives inside the home but not for much longer. one of the five people who lives in the Bhatt family home spoke exclusively to 7news' Lianna Golden. he said there were four adults and one child. They are all from colombia and only speak spanish.

"they did not want to go on camera but told Golden they had lived downstairs in the basement for eight months, only exchanging pleasantries with the Bhatts' since they didn't share a common language."

"the group [of illegals] said they plan to move out within days, now shaken up by what's happened just above their heads....

"hours earlier in the day, Tiffany Pollard drove all the way from west Virginia to do the same.

"'it took me an hour and 45 minutes to get here,' Pollard said. 'it was worth it. I've said my peace to her.

"she never met Mamta, but now, she feels like she knows her.

"'I have been following the story since she disappeared, and I just felt compelled to come here,' said Pollard.

"Jennifer Villatoro, on the other hand, joined in the search for Mamta since day one.

"'we definitely want to find her,' said Villatoro. 'that’s the ultimate goal in all of this.

"Villatoro said she was also compelled to help as a young mom to a 2-year-old child.

"'it’s so close to where I was raised, so it hits home,' Villatoro said. 'on top of that, she’s a mom. I’m also a mom. we’re about the same age. just even seeing her tiktok videos, I feel closeness to her and it’s so hard not to get attached.

"she said she feels so close yet so far to Mamta.

"neighbors told Golden that some flowers and plants on the side of the house were Mamta's, and she often tended to them.

"'it’s an intense feeling being here even getting being near it makes me very emotional,' said Villatoro. 'it’s still sad. it’s still tough, and I think we won’t find that closure until we find Mamta.'"

More third world wetbacks and their pathologies.

N.S.: And their American supporters. The media refers to the couple as "Virginia mom" and "Virginia husband." They're not "Virginians," they're nepalese immigrants. Actually, since the msm are so dishonest, it's not even clear if they were immigrants, as opposed to illegal aliens.

Are you suffering from Tds? If so, "independence" might be for you! (brief video)

By A Colleague

"are you or your loved ones suffering from illnesses such as Tds, also known as Trump derangement syndrome? do you dismiss or deny the current issues facing our country, such as historic inflation, illegal immigration, corporate corruption, world war three escalations, and the chronic disease epidemic?

"are you willing to elect someone who was the least popular vice president in modern history and offers no policy or vision for America, simply because your brain keeps telling you, 'anyone but Trump.

"if so, you might be struggling from Tds.

"introducing independence. independence allows you the freedom to finally think independently once again. instead of believing everything you hear from the mainstream media, independence allows for constructive critical thinking.

"I used to hear people on the news say things like, 'Donald Trump and the movement he has encouraged are a threat to democracy.' and I instantly believed it! with independence, I now realize the media are run by the democrat elite, who are a corrupt oligarchy who censor free speech, silence political opponents, support forever wars, and abandon democracy by anointing its candidates.

"independence may not be for everyone. if you enjoy being lied to about your president's cognitive abilities, support Orwellian totalitarianism, or are excited about communist fiscal policy, independence may not be right for you.

"common side effects of independence may include an awakening of rational thought, successfully identifying propaganda, freedom of choice, loss of hatred, anti-narcisistic behavior, and love of democracy.

"'I used to blindly hate whoever my party was running against. I didn't care about facts or policy, because I was hopelessly indoctrinated. with independence, I'm much more interested in policies that uphold democracy and I truly care about the health of our country and its citizens.

"ask your doctor if independence is right for you! and enjoy your freedoms once again."

What is worse? A drunken (and getting more drunk), washed-up Sigourney Weaver getting weepy about fake vice president Kamala Harris, or the weepy comments? (brief video)

Re-posted by N.S.

"56,364 views aug 28, 2024 #kamalaharris #news #sigourneyweaver
"at a press conference in venice, Sigourney Weaver got emotional thinking the impact of her work on women, and the rise of U.S. vice president Kamala Harris."

When Kamala Harris ran for the communist-racial socialist presidential nomination in 2020, she got virtually no support (1%). She only got into the white house through The Big Steal. But if all you knew was Weaver's drunken blather, and that of her communist-racial socialist fans at youtube, you'd think she was the people's choice. If she "wins" this year, it will only be courtesy of Big Steal II. It would be the equivalent of an appointment, rather than an election, not unlike the way the same imbecile "passed" the bar exam.

And what sort of host passes a bottle of vodka, and opens it up for someone who's already so drunk that she can no longer open it on her own?

Quick fact: The President’s Wall would have cost $5 billion; U.S. taxpayers spent $150 billion in 2023, to cover just one year of illegal invaders’ expenses; yet democrats have for years complained that a wall would be too expensive

[“employers attempt to skirt liability for hiring illegal aliens by using staffing agencies.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
friday, august 30, 2024 at 12:52:00 p.m. edt

“(zh) in 2023, roughly $150 billion in US taxpayer money was doled out for government services and support to help the 20 million illegals (GRA: undercounted) in the country, according to a study from the federation for American immigration reform (fair).


The number of illegal human beings on “American soil” is closer to 100 million.

[“The Myth of the 11 Million: Already in 2014, an Old Immigration Hand Estimated that there were 50 Million Illegals in the U.S.!”]

dallas cop (bLACK), executed by bLACK thug, Corey Cobb-Bey; cops return the favor

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
friday, august 30, 2024 at 7:03:00 p.m. edt

“(cbs noise) dallas – dallas police chief Eddie Garcia says officer Darron Burks, who was fatally shot late thursday, died as a result of a targeted attack, not an ambush.

[N.S.: A distinction without a difference.]

“‘officer Burks was executed,’ Garcia said during a 5 p.m. friday update.

“Burks was killed in a shooting in oak cliff, and two other responding officers were injured [sic] late thursday night, dallas police said.

“police responded to an officer-in-distress call in the 900 block of e. Ledbetter drive just after 10 p.m. thursday.

“officers found one officer – later identified as Burks – shot in a patrol vehicle, a spokesperson for the dallas police department, Kristin Lowman, said in a press conference early friday morning.

“Garcia said the suspect, 30-year-old Corey Cobb-Bey, spoke with Burks, then pulled out a firearm and shot him. police dispatch noticed a sound from the officer’s radio and sent help, he said.

“Cobb-Bey shot at responding officers, who later shot and killed Cobb-Bey, Garcia said. two shotguns, a .22-caliber handgun, and a 9-millimeter handgun were recovered from the two scenes, he said.

“three days ago, Cobb-Bey approached a squad car and questioned the officer. one day ago, Cobb-Bey posted that an event was happening friday, Garcia said.

“all three officers were taken to local hospitals. one is dead, one is in critical condition and the third is in stable condition, Lowman said.

“according to a cbs news texas photojournalist at the hospital, dpd chaplains said one of the officers, a man, has superficial wounds, is awake, ‘in good spirits’ and could be released friday. the other officer who was shot, a woman, has more serious injuries but are non-life-threatening.

“Cobb-Bey then fled from the shooting scene. dallas police officers pursued the suspect and the chase ended in the 1000 block of Stemmons freeway in Lewisville, about 40 miles from the original scene. this portion of i-35e was shut down for about seven hours.

“dallas police said the suspect got out of the vehicle with a ‘long gun’ before officers shot at the suspect, killing the suspect.”


"Houston police are searching for a man they believe killed a 21-year-old woman..."

By A Texas Reader
thursday, august 29, 2024 at 09:18:40 a.m. edt

"Houston police are searching for a man they believe killed a 21-year-old woman, who friends have identified as Muna Pandey, inside her southwest Houston apartment. Pandey is from nepal, friends told kprc 2, who came to the United States in 2021 with just..."

[N.S.: She was pretty, but not all that exotic-looking.]

"student from nepal found shot to death in sw Houston apartment, suspect now in custody"

"officials in Houston are searching for a man they believe is responsible for killing a 21-year-old woman in sw Houston monday evening. [N.S.: This must have been the earlier version of this story.]

In other words, she came here illegally.

Another "success story" so beloved by the elites.

And now's she dead.

Graphic humor

Re-posted by N.S.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

the army attacks The President over Arlington

By N.S.

"14-year-old boy hit and killed after allegedly taking family car on joyride and leading police chase"

By A Texas Reader
thursday, august 29, 2024 at 09:32:40 a.m. edt

"14-year-old boy hit and killed after allegedly taking family car on joyride and leading police chase"

"Mike Benz: the deep state’s step-by-step plan to end free speech"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat

thursday, august 29, 2024 at 09:35:20 a.m. edt

"Mike Benz: the deep state’s step-by-step plan to end free speech"

"employers attempt to skirt liability for hiring illegal aliens by using staffing agencies"

By N.S.

"brooklyn home explosion injures 4, including one victim with severe wounds"

By N.S.

"brooklyn home explosion injures 4, including one victim with severe wounds: officials"

"first responders rushed to the scene at east 37th street in east flatbush around 8:30 p.m. after getting reports of an explosion, the nypd said."

Houston cops have arrested and booked mex for the murder of his ex-girlfriend

By A Texas Reader
thursday, august 29, 2024 at 10:55:29 p.m. edt

"according to the Houston police department, Oscar Daniel Vega Espinoza was placed into custody on tuesday and booked into the Harris county jail. Espinoza is charged with murder and tampering with evidence in connection with the stabbing death of his ex-..."

Get your fresh, hot, new Emmitt Till hoax!

By Nicholas Stix

Every couple of years someone comes up with a new Emmitt Till Hoax.

Back in 2017, fake historian Timothy Tyson’s book, The Blood of Emmitt Till, was published. Its hoax was Tyson’s assertion that Carolyn Bryant (Donham), from whom Till had demanded sex and put his hands on, had recanted her courtroom testimony to Tyson in an interview. (Mrs. Donham’s family denied she’d ever recanted her trial testimony.)

Although Tyson is a Duke professor, he deposited the tape recording of his interview with Mrs. Donham in the unC archives.

However, unC made an official statement, declaring there was no recantation on the tape.

Tyson had already gotten the book deal, which was one of the reasons why he’d lied. He had two purposes in foisting his hoax on the world:

1. Defraud a publishing house out of hundreds of thousands of dollars; and

2. Get Mrs. Donham lynched.

Tyson had priors. Back in 2006, he was a member of the Gang of 88, Duke professors who supported the Duke rape hoax. Back then, Tyson and the other 87 sought to railroad three innocent young White men into prison, so that racist black thugs could gang-rape and murder them, for a crime that had never been committed.

Three years ago, a black supremacist “civil rights lawyer,” Jill Collen Jefferson, promoted a version of the Till hoax, also in order to get Mrs. Donham lynched.

Mrs. Donham has since died of natural causes at 88 (April 25, 2023).

A reader of Steve Sailer’s old blog suggested that the current motivation is because it’s an election year.

The black supremacist Mississippi Free Press has published at least two Emmitt Till Hoaxes, and likely numerous more.

(Actually, in response to a Steve Sailer reader who argued that there have been no more lynchings since 1964, there have been tens of thousands of lynchings since 1964, but they were almost all black-on-White. The other reader was talking about White-on-black lynchings.)

Meet American heroine, Rebekah Massie: She was the only person who wanted to speak at a public city council meeting, to criticize the city overpaying the city attorney, but mayor Skip Hall denied Massie's first amendment rights, and had her arrested and dragged out (video)

By N.S.

“‘Are you kidding me?’ watch cop outrageously arrest woman merely for criticizing government official”

St. Paul area: "‘Who did this?’ asks mom of 20-year-old gunned down in maplewood 3 years ago"

By N.S.

"‘Who did this?’ asks mom of 20-year-old gunned down in maplewood 3 years ago"

"the 20-year-old’s homicide remains unsolved and his mother said she needs to keep his name — and what happened to him — in the public eye."

dem colorado gov. Jared Polis is a certifiable criminal accessory; he "dismisses illegal alien gang takeover of apartments as 'imagination' — despite video, mayor confirming truth"

By N.S.

"colo. gov dismisses migrant [sic] gang takeover of apartments as 'imagination' — despite video, mayor confirming truth"

"despite the governor's claims, however, the evidence is clear."

"colorado gov. Jared Polis dismisses migrant gang takeover of apartments as ‘imagination’ — despite video, mayor confirming truth"

"ex-husband fatally shoots former wife, her new beau in their million-dollar, li home after bitter divorce battle"

By N.S.

"enraged ex-husband fatally shoots former wife, her new beau in their million-dollar, li home after bitter divorce battle"

"an enraged [yeah, we heard you the first time!] ex-husband fatally shot his former wife and her new beau inside their million-dollar long island home wednesday night after a bitter divorce battle,…"

15-year-old White jogger suddenly dies, while on run

By "W"
thursday, august 29, 2024 at 06:08:58 p.m. edt

15-year-old White jogger suddenly dies while on run

Was he another vaxx victim?

from nashville tv report:

"official in denver suburb where tren de aragua is wreaking havoc calls out sanctuary city for rolling out welcome mat"

By A Colleague
thursday, august 29, 2024 at 06:56:05 p.m. edt

"official in denver suburb where tren de aragua is wreaking havoc calls out sanctuary city for rolling out welcome mat"

venezuelans, instead of salvadorans:

It's spillage east from denver of lethal human garbage. Is a colorado colleague seeing any spillage to the west, to lakewood?

Article says that denver has the highest fractional infestation of any city.

Adam Kinzinger, call for Adam Kinzinger! Harris says, “I’ll appoint a republican to my cabinet”

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
thursday, august 29, 2024 at 6:13:00 p.m. edt

“(cnn) in an early preview of her ‘interview’ with cnn’s Dana Bash, dem nominee, kumalot harris, said she’d hire a republican to her cabinet, if she wins the 2024 election. she also stated she ‘has [sic] not changed her values at all.’”

GRA: First, most republicans ARE democrats, so no big deal.

Second: In other words, she’s lying about all the political flip-flops she’s been throwing out like dog bones, to the press.

“Build a wall?”

Lie detector, please.


die/dei news: Oh, that Denise, she's just working herself to death!; what's that putrid smell coming from her cubicle? Denise? Denise!

thursday, august 29, 2024 at 06:28:56 p.m. edt

Wells Fargo employee found in office after being dead for 4 days

I worked for Wells Fargo for a short period.

Worthless, second-rate, dei outfit.

N.S.: I recently hunted down an old flame on line (not to contact her, just to confirm she's alive; she worked in the wtc on 9/11). Not only had she aged badly--I say hello to a pretty, young face in the mirror every morning--but she, who had been a business consultant at a Big 8 accounting firm, had since gotten a certificate in "diversity"! I'm talking about a connecticut wasp, mind you. While her 67th birthday is coming up in september, I recently celebrated my annual 21st birthday.

state of thursday | dEING oFF

By "W"
thursday, august 29, 2024 at 11:38:51 a.m. edt

state of thursday | dEING oFF

"just a few years ago, woke acolyte and noted author of the book White fragility Robin Deangelo was making ~$750,000 per year on speaking fees at universities and libraries across the country preaching one simple truth: White people are racist and bad and need to do better.


"good morning, callers!

"welcome to state of the day, where I strip the euphemisms of national politics and give it to you straight, no ice, no mixer.

"today, we'll be discussing …


"just a few years ago, woke acolyte and noted author of the book "White fragility" Robin Deangelo was making ~$750,000 per year on speaking fees at universities and libraries across the country preaching one simple truth: White people are racist and bad and need to do better.


"today? well, we've discovered – to the surprise of no one with at least room temperature [iq?] critical thinking skills – that she's not only dumb, but a fraud.

"surprise! the radical left's racist, neo-marxist ideology is intellectually bankrupt!

"it also doesn't work well with capitalism. who'd've thunk it?!

"enter conservative activist and pro-family rabble rouser Robby Starbuck. he's been on a crusade lately to get corporations to drop the Orwellianly-named 'human rights campaign corporate equality index.

"'the hrc is an organization dedicated to bullying corporations and governments big and small into installing policies that favor their special people, those being the alphabet people.

"'Starbuck got Harley Davidson, Jack Daniel's, Lowe's and now his latest scalp, Ford, among many others, to drop their participation in hrc's 'index.

"'what is their index? oh, dear reader, are you in for a treat.

"'their index operates on four pillars. first I will give you the Orwell-speak, then I will tell you exactly what they mean.

"'workforce protections": special rights that only get bestowed upon you based on sexual preferences or levels of gender-based mental illness.

"'inclusive benefits": special handouts that you only qualify for based on sexual preferences or levels of gender based mental illness.

"here's where things get truly gnarly.

"'supporting an inclusive culture and corporate social responsibility"

"there are several planks to this hrc pillar. firstly, all new entry-level, existing employees, and new supervisors must complete a re-education bootcamp. s econdly[sic], the company must collect all personal data on every employee, including sexual preferences, race, medical disability, etc.

"the company must also provide a structure for reporting infractions of this woke policy anonymously, so your fellow employees can target you for investigation without you ever knowing.

"the company must fund an internal politburo named the diversity council.

"the company must (chuckle) pay for 'three distinct efforts of outreach' – i.e. throw special gay parties – to 'broader lgbtq communities.

"the company must make gay commercials. (I'm not even joking, this is in there.)

"the company must give money to gay organizations. (seriously.)

"the company must use gay third party vendors. (yes, it's true!)

"the company must 'demonstrate public support,' i.e. voice public fealty, to the hrc's lefty ideology.

"and finally.

"'responsible citizenship': employers will lose 25 points off their index score for any 'large scale' or 'public' 'anti-lgbtq blemish.

"in effect, you can't fire anyone who is gay or put the kibosh on any gay initiatives that don't work and suffer public consequences over it, and if you do, we'll tell all the people you do business with that you're actually a bigot and they might be too if they continue doing business with you.

"*takes a deep breath* wild, right?

"as you can imagine, these have to be extraordinarily expensive, and ultimately what do you get in return from hrc? a gold star? increased productivity? does it open doors to new deals?

"nope. they get a drag on their bottom line and a class of self-righteous, unfireable hires who can never be offloaded and will never be productive. you get an internal politburo dedicated to finding ways to call your staff bigoted. you get vendors who probably don't produce good work, but you're forced to give them money anyhow. you get a sprawling hr bureaucracy, whopping bills and drags on your productivity.

"so in other words, you get woke, and you go broke.

[N.S.: Not exactly. This is a totalitarian movement, whose proponents seek to inflict themselves on all institutions. If all companies are submitting to them, then none of them goes broke. It is the customer who goes broke paying the gizya.]


"did Biden/Harris attempt to interfere in Trump's visit to Arlington national cemetery?

exclusive: gold star families had trouble getting Trump into Arlington until house speaker intervened

"Frank Luntz smells a peak

"renowned pollster says 'it looks like' Harris' honeymoon has 'reached its peak'

"did you do a horrible job as president of an elite university? Harvard will hire you!

"university president who resigned after disastrous congressional hearing joins Harvard staff"

20 of Kamala's Kids (aka "adult illegal aliens") twice attempted to hijack school bus with kids in it

By Merlin
thursday, august 29, 2024 at 02:59:38 p.m. edt

20 of Kamala's Kids (aka 'adult illegal aliens') twice attempted to board school bus with kids in them

"mark my words; by this time next year, regardless of who is president, this iillegal [sic] alien criminality (of all kinds) is going to be THE #1 issue for REAL Americans. Thanks Joe, and your failed border czar, Kamala. they've imported many millions of new voters and some unknown percentage [N.S.: unknown? try 100%] of them are criminals and terrorists. Thet [sic] is how little respect democrats have for REAL Americans.

~ J

"california parents terrified after group of 20 migrants [sic] try to board elementary school bus

[N.S.: Kamala Harris is a successful border czar. This is exactly what the communists/racial socialists wanted.]

By Germania Rodriguez Poleo, chief U.S. reporter for

"published: 09:16 edt, 29 august 2024|updated: 10:30 edt, 29 august 2024

  • "a group of as many as 20 migrants [sic] tried to board school busus filled with kids in southern california, according to officials.
"the migrants [sic] attempted to board buses along two school routes twice this week at the stop near highway 94 and cochera, per the Jamul-Dulzura union school district in San Diego county. 
"superintendent Liz Bystedt said in a letter to parents that on tuesday three migrants were walking in the middle of the highway, trying to stop one of the district's school buses and forcing it to go around the group.

"then on wednesday morning, about 20 migrants rushed at one bus as it was picking up students from the same stop. "parents who were present say they helped the bus driver ensure that none of the migrants boarded the bus, as reported by Fox5 San Diego.

The migrants attempted to board buses along two school routes twice this week in San Diego County - at the bus stop near Highway 94 and Cochera

"the migrants [sic] attempted to board buses along two school routes twice this week in San Diego county - at the bus stop near highway 94 and cochera"

"Nicole Cardinale told Fox 5 her eight-year-old son's school bus was one of the ones affected this week, describing the incident as 'really scary.

"'he said these adults - they weren't kids - had backpacks on and they were trying to get on [his bus]... he said there was a lot of them.

"Bystedt has announced that buses will now skip stops with migrants nearby, heading to the next one on the route, for 'the safety of students and bus drivers.'

"'please stay [vigilant] and if the bus drives by, please follow the bus to pick up your child at the next stop,' the superintendent told parents. [N.S.: So, the criminals will do likewise.]

"it's unclear why the migrants [sic] tried to board the buses, but migrant [sic] advocate [criminal advocate] Pedro Rios told Fox 5 that the heat and mountainous terrain in the area can drive a desperate response.

[N.S.: What a stupid, dishonest line. There was nothing "desperate" about their new, attempted crime. They're all criminals, and have contempt for our laws, or they wouldn't have invaded us. On top of that, many of them were looking to kidnap and rape children. "Unclear"! Of course, these are the same fake journalists who for generations have said the same thing about obviously racially-motivated black-on-White atrocities, or simply lied and said "robbery" was the motive.]

"the school district reported the incident to US patrol, california highway patrol and the San Diego's sheriff's office.

"'please stay [vigilant] and if the bus drives by, please follow the bus to pick up your child at the next stop,' the superintendent told parents

Nicole Cardinale told Fox 5 her eight-year-old son's school bus was one of the ones affected this week, describing the incident as 'really scary'

"Nicole Cardinale told Fox 5 her eight-year-old son's school bus was one of the ones affected this week, describing the incident as 'really scary'

Why has America lost control of its borders?
"the sheriff's department said in a statement to Fox 5: 'the San Diego sheriff's office was made aware of this incident today. we are conducting a follow up [sic] investigation to determine if a criminal act has occurred.

"'the sheriff's office takes issues regarding student safety very seriously and are working with the school district in order to keep the students and our community safe.

"San Diego became the busiest corridor for illegal crossings in april, according to U.S. figures, the fifth region to hold that distinction in two years in a sign of how quickly migration [sic] routes are changing.

"many migrants [sic] say San Diego is the easiest and least dangerous place to cross. they constantly check their phones for messages, social media posts and voice calls that help them plan their route and crossing.

San Diego became the busiest corridor for illegal crossings in April, according to U.S. figures

"San Diego became the busiest corridor for illegal crossings in april, according to U.S. figures

It's unclear why the migrants tried to board the buses, but migrant advocate Pedro Rios told Fox 5 that the heat and mountainous terrain in the area can drive a desperate response

evil pope sez it is a sin to defend your family and homeland from invaders

By "W"
thursday, august 29, 2024 at 04:27:03 p.m. edt

evil pope sez it is a sin to defend your family and homeland from invaders

N.S.: The Mother Church was long ago taken over by militant homosexuals, and more recently, by a communist.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

grand rapids: green-haired nEGRESS, charged with starving her two kids--one to death; she also abused her dog

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, august 28, 2024 at 11:45:00 p.m. edt

“grand rapids, mich. — a young [sic] mother faces a murder charge following the death of her 1-year-old daughter. the little girl's twin brother is in critical condition.

“Brooklynne Davis faces charges of felony murder and first-degree child abuse. the 24-year-old is accused of abusing and neglecting her 1-year-old twins to the point of putting their lives at risk.

“a woman who called 911 on thursday, august 22 said her 1-year-old child died inside her residence on eastern avenue se near Baxter street se. (GRA: Pure ghetto area.) that call prompted officers from the grand rapids police department to the apartment.

“inside they found the 19-month-old girl beyond help. officers described the girl as 'very malnourished,' with sunken eyes, her ribs and collarbone clearly showing, according to court documents. a week-old diaper rash caused raw wounds to her skin.

“the girl's twin brother was found in life-threatening condition, unable to hold up his head. officers removed him from the apartment for medical care.

“he remains in critical condition nearly a week later.

“an 8-year-old brother of the twins was removed by child protective services. that child did not appear to have medical needs, according to police.

“the apartment was infested with lice, bedbugs, and other pests, according to court documents. the bathtub was full of unclean water. the bedroom shared by the three children had a single mattress stained with urine and feces.

“a dog in the apartment used one of the rooms for a bathroom.

“'this is one of the most horrific cases of child abuse I have ever seen,' said grand rapids police chief Eric Winstrom. 'neither the first responders, or the detectives who worked tirelessly for justice, will ever forget this child. we are praying for the recovery of her twin brother who also suffered unconscionable abuse.

“the Kent county medical examiner ruled the 1-year-old's death a homicide by starvation and malnutrition. in his opinion, it was an intentional act to not feed the little girl.

“grand rapids police's major case team along with the family services team is handling the investigation.

Fox 17 is choosing to not publish the names of any of the children involved.

“Davis was arrested on monday and arraigned wednesday afternoon.”

N.S.: The murdered girl was named Skii Swope.

killer egg donor Brooklynne Davis

It's not just ghetto u's anymore: Andrea Rodriguez came to brown rice university with big dreams...before being gunned down

By A Texas Reader
wednesday, august 28, 2024 at 09:02:17 a.m. edt

Andrea Rodriguez came to Rice university with big dreams before being gunned down

They should rename Rice to brown rice university, in honor of the deceased.

Meghan and Harry Markle have founded a business, but nobody wants to work for them!

By N.S.

"Meghan Markle 'struggling' to find ceo for american riviera orchard after 18 staffers quit: report"

Seattle: dna cracks cold-case in 1980 rape-murder

By "W"
wednesday, august 28, 2024 at 03:58:57 a.m. edt

Seattle: dna cracks cold-case in 1980 rape-murder


Don't bring a knife to a steakfight (video)

By N.S.

"diner lunges with steak knife during fight over spilled wine at David Burke’s nj restaurant: cops"

"wild video footage captured an all-out brawl that broke out at an upscale new jersey restaurant after a diner spilled red wine on another man's wife — prompting one to..."

"pregnant police volunteer was murdered by detective who staged her death to look like suicide"

By N.S.

"pregnant police volunteer was murdered by detective who staged her death to look like suicide: feds"

"a massachusetts cop has been accused of murdering a pregnant 23-year-old he allegedly began sexually abusing when she was just a 15-year-old volunteer with his police department. Matthew Farwell, formerly..."

young americans for freedom taking Biden-Harris admin to court over illegal, unconstitutional, race-based scholarships

"medical genocide alert—czech republic national database confirms covid injections causing massive increase in death"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
wednesday, august 28, 2024 at 08:34:09 p.m. edt

"Steve Kirsch: medical genocide alert—czech republic national database confirms covid injections causing massive increase in death"

Isn’t the department of homeland security supposed to, our country? Why is it responsible for distributing 100’s of millions to sanctuary cities to resettle alien invaders?

By Jerry PDX
wednesday, august 28, 2024 at 9:34:00 p.m. edt

Isn’t the department of homeland security supposed to our country? Why is it responsible for distributing 100’s of millions to sanctuary cities to resettle alien invaders? Check out the comments, they pretty much say it all:|27817114|Biden-Harris%20Slush%20Fund%3A%20DHS%20Showers%20Millions%20on%20Sanctuary%20Cities%2C%20NGOs%20for%20Resettling%20Migrants%20in%20U.S.|

fbi declares Thomas Crooks the “lone shooter”—in assassination attempt on President Trump: motive “unknown”; why do we pay these guys billions of dollars per year?

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, august 28, 2024 at 4:47:00 p.m. edt

GRA: Not even a Warren commission needed to declare the half-lie. As with the Lee Harvey Oswald investigation, what ISN’T addressed—and never will be—what role did the cia and ss have in ALLOWING Crooks to get his shots off? secret service was aware of this kid roaming around, climbing on a roof, and yet, shots were permitted to be fired at Donald Trump.

What was THEIR motive in allowing Crooks to fire his weapon?


"four people killed, 11 injured in ‘mass casualty' rollover crash in Wise county"; sounds like illegals; only one wore a seatbealt, and that one walked away

By A Texas Reader
wed, aug 28 at 4:05 p.m. edt

"four people killed, 11 injured in ‘mass casualty' rollover crash in Wise county"

"of the 14 people in the van, only one wore a seat belt. the driver of the vehicle was killed during the crash, state troopers say"

fulton county jail: breaisha, laquna, regina, anizya arrested

By "W"
wednesday, august 28, 2024 at 04:28:18 a.m. edt

fulton county jail: breaisha, laquna, regina, anizya arrested

from wsb-tv:

"a teenager was arrested at Dulles international airport" for an alleged double homicide... over Memorial Day weekend"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
tuesday, august 27, 2024 at 08:46:06 a.m. edt

"Washington (7news) — a teenager was arrested at Dulles international airport for his alleged connection to a homicide that claimed the lives of two people over Memorial Day weekend. police arrested 15-year-old Onyx Santana Austin at the airport on monday"

"after the shootings, Austin left the country, officials said. detectives said they gathered evidence linking him to the double homicide and requested a warrant for his arrest.

nigger fled the country?

And then returned?

Can you say, "fu--ing dumbf--k!"

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

"it is claimed that after taking a seat next to her friend, the woman closed her eyes to sleep and 'an unknown male passenger' penetrated her digitally"

By R.C.
tuesday, august 27, 2024 at 09:32:20 a.m. edt

"it is claimed that after taking a seat next to her friend, the woman closed her eyes to sleep and 'an unknown male passenger' penetrated her digitally." "woman sues american airlines after she was 'sexually assaulted on board by stranger sitting next to her' during two-hour night flight

"a new jersey woman is suing american airlines after 'an unknown male passenger' penetrated her digitally onboard a flight."

Hillary, is that you?


You can only wish….

4 charged in connection to string of burglaries at gun shops across Maryland

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
tuesday, august 27, 2024 at 07:52:12 p.m. edt

4 charged in connection to string of burglaries at gun shops across Maryland

officers made the happy discovery that an unknown illegal alien, of parts unknown, but not in America, of unknown age, was dead about 2:25 a.m....

By R.C.
tuesday, august 27, 2024 at 10:06:24 p.m. edt

"officers made the grim discovery that Salvador Cachu, 28, of richmond [?], was dead about 2:25 a.m. while responding to reports of a man down after an explosion at south 2nd Street and interstate 580, according to the richmond police department.



The mexican cut the live wire.

Electricity needs to seek a ground.

So, the current flowed through him instead.

His body exploded, as a result.

N.S.: He most certainly was not from richmond, and his name was certainly not "Salvador Cachu." So, why did the noise say that? Because media operatives have been trained for many years to invent American homes for illegal aliens. They have also been trained to act as if illegal aliens' names were real, and that the ages on their fake ids were real.

new york state anesthesiologist pleads guilty to chloroforming, [raping?] kid's nanny, while she slept

By R.C.
tuesday, august 27, 2024 at 10:10:35 p.m. edt

"new york state anesthesiologist pleads guilty to chloroforming, assaulting kid's nanny, while she slept"

ajc seeks to mislead readers that popular new law its bosses hate, requiring local lawmen to cooperate with feds regarding illegal aliens ("undocumented") is not popular ("controversial")

By A Texas Reader
tuesday, august 27, 2024 at 11:09:07 p.m. edt

"on a tuesday morning in january almost four years ago, the notes of a mariachi band rang through the Cobb county jail. new democratic sheriffs taking over from republicans in Cobb and gwinnett counties were celebrating the end of partnerships with U.S...."

"new immigration law leaves undocumented [sic] worried until november election

"last month, Georgia's controversial [sic] new immigration law, house bill 1105, took effect, requiring all 159 county sheriffs in Georgia to apply for 287(g).

"US research into bioweapons targeting slavs underway since at least the 1990s"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
tuesday, august 27, 2024 at 10:18:26 p.m. edt

"US research into bioweapons targeting slavs underway since at least the 1990s: expert"

"US research into bioweapons targeting slavs underway since at least the 1990s: expert"

"damning new details regarding the US military's efforts to create ethnically-selective virus strains in the ukraine have been presented by russia's radiological, chemical and biological defense troops. the new information is further evidence of an international criminal conspiracy going back decades, experts tell sputnik."

Told you so a long, long time ago.

dna specific.

the ultimate precision-strike weapon.

Why do you think civilian employees of the Lugar lab in tbilisi have diplomatic immunity?

Civilian employees.

Not members of the diplomatic corps.

It's because those with diplomatic immunity can safely and securely smuggle dna samples out of bulgaria.

It's because diplomatic mail pouches cannot be searched by the host country.

This country is run by sociopaths.

Fargo congoid admits stabbing 14-year-old, White former girlfriend 13-times

By "W"
tuesday, august 27, 2024 at 05:27:54 p.m. edt

Fargo congoid admits stabbing 14-year-old White former girlfriend 13-times

Where were her parents? Or maybe they didn't know. And where is society at large? Wherever there are negroes, there is danger.

No loss: copper thief sought to rob area of electricity, but instead he suffered a "work accident"

By A Longtime Reader
To: <>
thursday, august 22, 2024 at 09:26:39 p.m. edt

subject: No loss

"richmond: person found dead inside underground electrical vault identified"

"richmond: person found dead inside underground electrical vault identified"

"police said the individual was 'possibly involved in the theft of copper wiring.'

Jason Green, breaking news reporter, San Jose Mercury News, for his Wordpress profile. (Michael Malone/Bay Area News Group)Rick Hurd, Breaking news/East Bay for the Bay Area News Group is photographed for a Wordpress profile in Walnut Creek, Calif., on Thursday, July 28, 2016. src=
By Jason Green| | bay area news group and Rick Hurd|| bay area news group

updated: august 22, 2024 at 10:50 a.m.

"richmond – authorities have identified [sic] a man found dead inside an underground electrical vault tuesday morning in richmond, police said.

"officers made the grim discovery that Salvador Cachu, 28, of richmond [sic], was dead about 2:25 a.m. while responding to reports of a man down after an explosion at south 2nd street and interstate 580, according to the richmond police department.

"'due to the electrical lines being actively charged, emergency personnel could not enter the vault initially,' police said in a news release.

"on tuesday afternoon, firefighters recovered the person's remains from the vault.

"'while doing so,' police said, 'evidence was located showing that the victim [sic] was possibly involved in the theft of copper wiring when he came into contact with a high-voltage electrical source.

"the incident is being investigated as an attempted theft with an unexplained death, pending the results of an autopsy, according to police."

"pg&e said 1,541 customers lost power during the incident. service was fully restored just after 7 a.m.

South 2nd Street was closed between Cutting Boulevard and Marine Avenue while authorities worked to recover the remains.

"anyone with information related to the case can contact detective R. Ramos at 510-620-6622.

The Mikado's "object all sublime/I shall achieve in time/to make the punishment fit the crime, the punishment fit the crime."

Too bad that the neighbors had to suffer from an hours-long power outage during attempts to recover the body of the thief.

Monday, August 26, 2024

is it "insane" to attack staffers of a VA demo member of congress?

By "W"
monday, august 26, 2024 at 04:50:23 p.m. edt

is it "insane" to attack staffers of a VA demo member of congress?

at least one judge accepts this plea from a guy who would not have been admitted to the usa pre-1965:

"german authorities ordered the deportation of the Solingen attacker years ago, but gave up after one failed attempt"

sent: monday, august 26, 2024 at 12:18:43 p.m. edt
subject: "german authorities ordered the deportation of the Solingen attacker years ago, but gave up after one failed attempt…"

"It is always worse than you think..."

from: eugyppius>
date: mon, aug 26, 2024 at 12:05 p.m.

subject: "german authorities ordered the deportation of the Solingen attacker years ago, but gave up after one failed attemp…"

"also, leftists respond with renewed protests 'against nazis,' state media 'expert' demands more psychological treatment for traumatised migrants [sic], and other updates."

"german authorities ordered the deportation of the Solingen attacker years ago, but gave up after one failed attempt to find him"

"also, leftists respond with renewed protests 'against Nazis,' state media 'expert' demands more psychological treatment for traumatised migrants, and other updates."

By eugyppius
aug 26

Issa al Hassan, the Solingen attacker. (The Gerries have covered for him, by censoring his name as "Issa al H.")

"it is always worse than you think.

"those who missed the updates to my last post should know that the Solingen stabber turned himself in to police a day after he killed three people and injured eight others at the municipal diversity festival. bild have [sic] published video of his arrest. his name is Issa al Hassan; he's a 26 year-old sunni muslim and a syrian asylum seeker [sic].

"al hassan came to the european union via bulgaria, entering germany for the first time in 2022. he applied for asylum in bielefeld, in violation of the so-called dublin system, which states that the first country of entry is responsible for processing asylum applications. germany had six months to deport him to bulgaria, and bulgaria even agreed to receive him..."