Sunday, May 21, 2023

Why should Whites pay taxes for police? The new 1%; 400 blacks rampage in riot planned via social media—five get arrested—and released!

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, may 21, 2023 at 10:36:00 p.m. edt

“(abc chicago) tinley park police said at least 400 teenagers showed up at the carnival. village leaders called it a ‘flash mob incident’ that was organized on social media.

“one officer was hurt in last night’s flash mob [sic], but will be okay. five juveniles were taken into custody and released to their parents.”

GRA: He’s “okay.” So everything is all right—AND only five nigs got arrested out of over 400 thugs causing the chaos.


That’s an embarrassment. The suggestion being, a G-D mob of negroes can show up and destroy a carnival—with barely over 1% getting arrested.

A travesty and embarrassment.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Second night of flash mob mayhem had been planned but the entire festival was cancelled as a result. Tinley Park 95 % whitey or close to it.